Supporting the library by making book donations
You may follow in the footsteps of Marshall and Keynes and give us your unwanted books - either individual items or entire collections. Those items likely to be of benefit of students on taught courses or of interest to researchers will be added to stock, while those of less relevance or which duplicate existing items in the collection will be sold and the money used to purchase other economics-related resources.
If you would like to discuss making a book donation, please contact
the Library : / Tel. 01223 (3)35217
For substantial donations we offer:
- to acknowledge your donation by a book label with your name inside the front cover of each of your books added to stock
- to add such a label for any items purchased using money generated from the sale of your donated books
For any donation we can either add your name in the Library record (Usually by stating 'Presented by [your name]'. Examples of the latter can be seen by following the links below to lists of books donated by other Marshall Library supporters.
Clicking on the name, publishers or fund below will link to catalogue records of the books donated.
Individual donors
- Baddeley, Dr. Michelle
- Brown, Professor William
- Cord, Dr. Robert
- Coutts, Mr. Ken
- Edwards, Dr. Jeremy
- Hagelberg, J.C. & G.B.
- Harvey, Professor Andrew
- Hayes, Dr. Mark
- Holly, Dr. Sean
- Jones, Steven
- Miyazaki, Yuka
- Newbery, Professor David
- Sani, Grant