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Journal title Location(s) Holdings Continuation of Continues as
Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirtschaft im Deutschen Reich Basement (1895, 1907) (contin. as Schmollers Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirtschaft im Deutschen Reich)
Jahrbuch fur Sozialwissenschaft Basement (1959-1965)
Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik Basement (1863, 1934-62)
Journal of Agricultural Economics Basement (1956-75 imperf.)
Journal of Applied Econometrics Gallery 157 (1986- imperf.)
Journal of Business Basement (1992-2006) (contin. of Journal of Business of the University of Chicago)
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics Gallery 157 - 158 (1983- imperf.)
Journal of Business of the University of Chicago Online access only (contin. of University Journal of Business) (contin. as Journal of Business)
Journal of Common Market Studies Gallery 151 (High) (1962- 2006)
Journal of Comparative Economics Gallery 151 (High) (1977-2012)
Journal of Development Economics Gallery 158 (1977- 2009 imperf.)
Journal of Development Studies Gallery 158
Journal of Econometrics Gallery 158 - 159 (1973-2009 imperf.)
Journal of Economic Abstracts Basement (1963-1968) (contin. as Journal of Economic Literature)
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Gallery 151 - 152 (High) (1980-2009 imperf.)
Journal of Economic Growth Gallery 152 (High) (1996-2011)
Journal of Economic History Gallery 159 (1941-)
Journal of Economic Issues Gallery 152 (High) (1994- 2010 imperf.)
Journal of Economic Literature Gallery 159 - 160 (1969-) (contin. of Journal of Economic Abstracts)
Journal of Economic Methodology Gallery 160 (1994-)
Journal of Economic Perspectives Gallery 160 (1987-)
Journal of Economic Studies Gallery 160 (1965-1990)
Journal of Economic Surveys Gallery 160 (1987- 2012)
Journal of Economic Theory Gallery 160 - 161 (1969- 2011)
Journal of Economics Gallery 161
(1988-2004) (contin. of Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonmie)
Journal of Economics (Japan) Basement (1965-1967)
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Gallery 161 (1986-2012 Imperf.)
Journal of European Economic History Gallery 161 - 162 (1972- imperf.)
Journal of Finance Marshall Annex 1
(1946-2006 imperf.)
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Gallery 162 (1966-)
Journal of Financial Economics Marshall Annex 1 (1974- imperf.)
Journal of Financial Intermediation Gallery 162 (1990-2012)
Journal of Financial Markets Gallery 152 (High) (1998-2012)
Journal of Human Resources Marshall Annex 1 (1966-)
Journal of Industrial Economics Gallery 162 - 163
(1970- 2012)
Journal of Industrial Relations Marshall Annex 1
(1980-2012 )
(1965-2012 imperf.)
Journal of International Development Gallery 163 (1989- 2007 Imperf.)
Journal of International Economic Studies Basement (1989-2002)
Journal of International Economics Gallery 163 (1971- 2006)
Journal of Labor Economics Marshall Annex 1 (1983-)
Journal of Law and Economics Gallery 163
Journal of Macroeconomics Gallery 163 - 164 (1979- 2011 imperf.)
Journal of Mathematical Economics Gallery 164 (1974- 2012 imperf.)
Journal of Monetary Economics Gallery 164
(1983- 2006)
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking Gallery 164 - 165 (1969-2012 imperf.)
Journal of Peasant Studies Gallery 165
(2009- 2011)
(1973- 2011)
Journal of Policy Modeling Basement (1979- 2005 imperf.)
Journal of Political Economy Gallery 165
(1929- imperf.)
Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics Gallery 165 - 166 (1978- 2011 imperf.)
Journal of Public Economics Gallery 166 (1972- 2012)
Journal of Quantitative Economics Basement (1985- 2004)
Journal of Regional Science Basement (1958-2006 imperf.)
Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA) Gallery 157
Journal of the Economic Society of South Africa Basement
BSouth Africa 1:1-3
(1930-1932 imperf.)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (1887-1947) (contin. of Journal of the Statistical Society) (contin. as Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A :General)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Supplement Basement (1934-1947) (contin. as Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Methodological)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: General Gallery 165
(1948-1987 imperf.) (contin. of Journal of the Royal Statistical Society) (contin. as Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society Gallery 166 (1988-2012) (contin. of Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: General)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Methodological Gallery 167
(1948-2012) (contin. of Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Supplement)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C: Applied Statistics Gallery 147 (1952- 2012 imperf.) (contin. of Journal of the Royal Statistical Society)
Journal of the Statistical Society Basement (1873-1886) (contin. of Journal of the Statistical Society of London) (contin. as Journal of the Royal Statistical Society)
Journal of the Statistical Society of London Basement (1838-1873) (contin. as Journal of the Statistical Society)
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy Basement (1967-2006)
Journal of Urban Economics Gallery 167 (1974- 2012)