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Author Title Edition Imprint Classmark
Boadway, Robin W. From optimal tax theory to tax policy : retrospective and prospective views / Robin Boadway. Cambridge, Mass. ; London : MIT Press, c2012. 28 C 205
Carroll, Toby. Delusions of development : the World Bank and the post-Washington consensus in Southeast Asia / Toby Carroll. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 90 G 138
Chaturvedi, Sachin, Fues, Thomas, Sidiropoulos, E. (eds.) Development cooperation and emerging powers : new partners or old patterns? / edited by Sachin Chaturvedi, Thomas Fues and Elizabeth Sidiropoulos. London : Zed Books, 2012. 90 C 150
Clark, D. (ed.) Adaptation, poverty and development : the dynamics of subjective well-being / edited by David Clark. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 90 L 30
Garbade, Kenneth D. Birth of a market : the U.S. Treasury securities market from the Great War to the Great Depression / Kenneth D. Garbade. Cambridge, Mass. ; London : MIT Press, 2012. 32 C 127
Geiger, Felix. Yield curve and financial risk premia : implications for monetary policy / Felix Geiger. Heidelberg : Springer, c2011. 70 B 219
Hoover, Kevin D. Applied intermediate macroeconomics / Kevin D. Hoover. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012. 29 A 279
Leamer, Edward E. Craft of economics : lessons from the Heckscher-Ohlin framework / Edward E. Leamer. Cambridge, Mass. ; London : MIT Press, c2012. 10 C 154
Lehmann, H. & Tatsiramos, Konstantinos (eds.) Informal employment in emerging and transition economies / edited by Hartmut Lehmann, Konstantinos Tatsiramos. Bingley : Emerald, 2012. 63 A 208:2012:1
Lind, Douglas A. Basic statistics for business and economics / Douglas A. Lind, William G. Marchal, Samuel A. Wathen. 8th ed. New York : McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2012. 70 A 264h
Marletto, Gerardo, (ed.) Creating a sustainable economy : an institutional and evolutionary approach to environmental policy / edited by Gerardo Marletto. London : Routledge, 2012. 1 C 225
Mishkin, Frederic S. Economics of money, banking, and financial markets / Frederic S. Mishkin. 10th ed., global ed. Harlow : Pearson, c2013. 31 A 62j
Morgan, Glenn & Whitley, Richard (eds.) Capitalisms and capitalism in the twenty-first century / edited by Glenn Morgan, Richard Whitley. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012. 60 B 196
Nasar, Sylvia. Grand pursuit : the story of economic genius / Sylvia Nasar. London : Fourth Estate, 2011. 10 D 193
Palley, Thomas I. From financial crisis to stagnation : the destruction of shared prosperity and the role of economics / Thomas I. Palley. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012. 33 F 276
Pindyck, Robert S. Microeconomics / Robert S. Pindyck, Daniel L. Rubinfeld. 8th ed., International ed. Boston, Mass. ; London : Pearson, c2013. 17 A 34h
Radjou, Navi. Jugaad innovation : think frugal, be flexible, generate breakthrough growth / Navi Radjou, Jaideep Prabhu, Simone Ahuja. San Francisco, Calif. : Jossey-Bass, c2012. 22 B 311
Razin, Assaf. Migration and the welfare state : political-economy policy formation / Assaf Razin, Efraim Sadka, and Benjarong Suwankiri. Cambridge, Mass. ; London : MIT Press, c2011. 92 DB 113
Roodman, David Malin. Due diligence : an impertinent inquiry into microfinance / David Roodman. Washington, D.C. : Center for Global Development, c2012. 32 E 149
Sandholm, William H. Population games and evolutionary dynamics / William H. Sandholm. Cambridge, Mass. ; London : MIT Press, c2010. 70 F 281
Santiso, Javier & Dayton-Johnson (eds.) Oxford handbook of Latin American political economy / edited by Javier Santiso and Jeff Dayton-Johnson. New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, c2012. 78 A 203
Seydel, R. Tools for computational finance / Rudiger U. Seydel. 5th ed. Berlin : Springer, c2012. 34 H 140e
Sharma, Ruchir. Breakout nations : in search of the next economic miracle / Ruchir Sharma. London : Allen Lane, 2012. 90 A 415
Sloan, Frank A. Health economics / Frank A. Sloan and Chee-Ruey Hsieh. Cambridge, Mass. ; London : MIT Press, c2012. 45 A 82
Storti, Claudia Costa & De Grauwe, Paul, (eds.) Illicit trade and the global economy / edited by Claudia Costa Storti and Paul De Grauwe. Cambridge, Mass. ; London : MIT Press, 2012. 18 JB 26
Sundaram, J. K. & Chowdhury, A. Poor poverty : the impoverishment of analysis, measurement and politics / edited by Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Anis Chowdhury. London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2011. 90 L 29
Weber, Thomas A. Optimal control theory with applications in economics / Thomas A. Weber ; foreword by A.V. Kryazhimskiy. Cambridge, Mass. ; London : MIT Press, c2011. 70 D 238