Behavioral risk management : managing the psychology that drives decisions and influences operational risk / Hersh Shefrin Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 20 H 42 (Marshall Library Classmark)
British general election of 2015 / Philip Cowley Basingstoke, Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 76 C 201:2015 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Cameron-Clegg government : coalition politics in an age of austerity / edited by Simon Lee and Matt Beech. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. 76 C 307 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Cities and development / Jo Beall London : Routledge, 2009. 90 O 61 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Cities in a world economy / Saskia Sassen Fourth edition. Thousand Oaks, California ; London : Pine Forge, [2012]. 90 O 59 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Cities in the developing world : issues, theory and policy / edited by Josef Gugler. Oxford : Oxford University Press, [1997]. 90 O 60 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Conservatives under David Cameron : built to last? / edited by Simon Lee and Matt Beech Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. 76 C 306 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Developing literate mathematicians : a guide for integrating language and literacy instruction into secondary mathematics / Wendy Hoffer Reston, Virginia : National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc., [2016]. 40 B 19 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Econometric inference using simulation techniques / edited by Herman K. van Dijk, Alain Monfort, and Bryan W. Brown. Chichester : Wiley, [1995]. 70 C 423 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Econometrics of financial markets / John Campbell Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1997. 34 F 79 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Economic development in Africa report 2015 : unlocking the potential of Africa's services trade for growth and development / prepared by a research team consisting of Junior Roy Davis (team leader), Laura Páez and Bineswaree Bolaky. Geneva : United Nations, 2015. PAMPHLET 81 A 176 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Economics evolving : a history of economic thought / Agnar Sandmo Princeton, New Jersey ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, [2011]. 10 D 190 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Economics, law, and public policy of market power manipulation / Stephen Pirrong Boston, Massachusetts ; London : Kluwer Academic, [1996]. 33 A 153 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Engaging the public with climate change : behaviour change and communication / edited by Lorraine Whitmarsh, Saffron O'Neill, and Irene Lorenzoni. London : Earthscan, 2011. 1 C 283 (Marshall Library Classmark)
European emission trading system and its followers : comparative analysis and linking perspectives / Simone Borghesi Cham : Springer, 2016. 1 D 115 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Financial economics : a concise introduction to classical and behvioral finance / Thorsten Hens Second edition. Berlin : Springer, [2016]. 34 F 209b (Marshall Library Classmark)
Financial stability in the aftermath of the 'Great Recession' / Philip Arestis Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. 33 F 303 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Foundations of economics / Andrew Gillespie Fourth edition. Oxford Oxford University Press, [2016]. 16 A 99d (Marshall Library Classmark)
Game theory : a multi-leveled approach / Hans Peters Second edition. Heidelberg : Springer, 2015. 70 F 274b (Marshall Library Classmark)
Geography of transport systems / Jean-Paul Rodrigue Third edition. London : Routledge, [2013]. 26 C 175c (Marshall Library Classmark)
Global perspective on the European economic crisis / edited by Bruno Dallago, Gert Guri and John McGowan. London : Routledge, 2016. 73 GB 58 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Global political economy : evolution & dynamics / Robert O'Brien Fifth edition. London : Macmillan Education : Palgrave, 2016. 84 B 237e (Marshall Library Classmark)
Grasping the democratic peace : principles for a post-Cold War world / Bruce Russett Second printing with new preface and corrections. Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, 1995. 102 A 6 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Handbook of defense economics : defense in a globalized world / edited by Todd Sandler and Keith Hartley. Amsterdam ; London : Elsevier North-Holland, 2007. 101 A 35:2 (Marshall Library Classmark)
How to give your baby encyclopedic knowledge : more gentle revolution / Glenn Doman Revised and updated edition. Garden City, New York : Avery Publishing Group, [1994]. 40 B 20 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Incomplete currency : the future of the euro and solutions for the Eurozone / Marcello Minenna Chichester : Wiley, 2016. 31 D 259 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Introduction to probability models / Sheldon Ross Eleventh edition. Oxford : Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier, 2014. 70 A 176k (Marshall Library Classmark)
Labour's high noon : the government and the economy, 1945-51 / edited by Jim Fyrth London : Lawrence & Wishart, 1993. 75 E 140 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Least developed countries report 2015 : transforming rural economies / United Nations Conference on Trade and Development New York : United Nations, 2015. 83 B 125:2015 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Markov chain Monte Carlo in practice / edited by W.R. Gilks, S. Richardson and D.J. Spiegelhalter London : Chapman & Hall, 1995. 70 C 424 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Modern urban and regional economics / Philip McCann Second edition. Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2013]. 4 A 49 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Money changes everything : how finance made civilization possible / William Goetzmann Princeton, New Jersey ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, [2016]. 72 A 103 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Neuroeconomics : decision making and the brain / edited by Paul W. Glimcher, Colin F. Camerer, Ernst Fehr and Russell A. Poldrack. Amsterdam ; London : Elsevier/Academic Press, 2009. 20 A 107 (Marshall Library Classmark)
New confessions of an economic hit man : the shocking inside story of how America really took over the world / John Perkins Oakland, CA : Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., [2016]. 90 A 394b (Marshall Library Classmark)
Nudge : improving decisions about health, wealth, and happiness / Richard Thaler Revised and expanded edition. London : Penguin Books, [2009]. 16 H 14 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Nudge : improving decisions about health, wealth, and happiness / Richard Thaler New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, [2008]. 16 H 14 (Marshall Library Classmark)
On the foundations of happiness in economics : reinterpreting Tibor Scitovsky / Maurizio Pugno London : Routledge, 2016. 18 I 22 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Oxford handbook of the economics of networks / edited by Yann Bramoullé, Andrea Galeotti, Brian W. Rogers Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2016]. 18 N 15 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Parliament under Blair / Peter Riddell [Revised edition]. London : Politico's, 2000. 76 C 308 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Philosophical problems of behavioural economics / Stefan Heidl London : Routledge, 2016. 16 H 41 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Planetary economics : energy, climate change and the three domains of sustainable development / Michael Grubb London : Routledge, 2014. 1 C 284 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Planning for climate change : strategies for mitigation and adaptation for spatial planners / edited by Simin Davoudi, Jenny Crawford and Abid Mehmood London : Earthscan, 2009. 1 C 282 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Political and economic dynamics of the Eurozone crisis / edited by James A. Caporaso and Martin Rhodes Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016. 31 D 260 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Post 'great recession' US economy : implications for financial markets and the economy / Philip Arestis Second edition. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 77 C 87b (Marshall Library Classmark)
Poverty and discrimination / Kevin Lang Princeton, New Jersey ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, [2007]. 43 A 65 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Principles of managerial finance / Lawrence Gitman Fourteenth edition, Global edition. London : Pearson Education, [2015]. 34 C 146n (Marshall Library Classmark)
Punishment and inequality in America / Bruce Western First paperback edition. New York : Russell Sage, [2006]. 93 F 60 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Railroads and American economic growth : essays in econometric history / Robert Fogel Baltimore ; London : John Hopkins Press, 1964. 77 D 49 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Regulating Wall Street : the new architecture of global finance / edited by Viral V. Acharya, Thomas F. Cooley, Matthew Richardson, Ingo Walter Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley ; Chichester, [2011]. 32 D 132 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Risk and precaution / Alan Randall Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011. 20 H 35 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Shadow banking in China : an opportunity for financial reform / Andrew Sheng Chichester : Wiley, 2016. 79 BE 305 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Sociobiology : the abridged edition / Edward Wilson Abridged edition. Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, [1980]. 92 A 33 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Stagnation versus growth in Europe : capitalism in the 21st century / edited by Luigi Paganetto. Cham : Springer, 2016. 73 GB 59 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Taming capital flows : capital account management in an era of globalization / International Economic Association Roundtable Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. 33 F 330 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Too little, too late : the quest to resolve sovereign debt crises / edited by Martin Guzman, Jose Antonio Ocampo, and Joseph E. Stiglitz New York City : Columbia University Press, [2016]. 33 D 65 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Two treatises of government : in the former, the false principles and foundation of Sir Robert Filmer, and his followers are detected and overthrown / John Locke Clark, New Jersey : Lawbook Exchange, 2010. 97 D 75 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Unobserved components and time series econometrics / edited by Siem Jan Koopman and Neil Shephard. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015. 70 E 159 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Urbanization and growth / edited by Michael Spence, Patricia Clarke Annez, and Robert M. Buckley. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2009]. 90 O 58 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Validation of risk models : a handbook for practitioners / Sergio Scandizzo Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 34 H 181 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Who benefits from state and local economic development policies? / Timothy Bartik Kalamazoo, Michigan : W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 1991. 29 AA 89 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Women, minorities, and employment discrimination / edited by Phyllis A. Wallace, Annette M. LaMond. Lexington, Massachusetts : Lexington Books, [1977]. 96 D 70 (Marshall Library Classmark)
World order : reflections on the character of nations and the course of history / Henry Kissinger London : Allen Lane [2014]. 99 A 89 (Marshall Library Classmark)