Advocacy in conflict : critical perspectives on transnational activism / edited by Alex de Waal. London : Zed Books, 2015. 99 E 45 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Analysis of panel data / Cheng Hsiao Third edition. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, [2014]. 70 C 189c (Marshall Library Classmark)
Applied econometrics / Dimitrios Asteriou Third edition. London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 70 C 343c (Marshall Library Classmark)
Applied nonparametric econometrics / Daniel Henderson New York ; Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015. 70 C 241 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Applied ordinal logistic regression using Stata : from single-level to multilevel modeling / Xing Liu Thousand Oaks, California ; London : SAGE Publications, Inc., [2016]. 70 HA 30 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Beyond colonialism, development and globalization : social movements and critical perspectives / edited by jDominique Caouette and Dip Kapoor London : Zed Books, 2016. 90 A 494 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Capitalism and peasant farming : agrarian structure and ideology in northern Tamil Nadu / John Harriss Bombay : Oxford University Press, 1982. 80 BC 35 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Cities and agriculture : developing resilient urban food systems / edited by Henk de Zeeuw and Pay Drechsel London : Routledge, 2015. 90 I 206 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Commodity markets and the global economy / Blake Clayton Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, [2016]. 34 E 160 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Corruption, economic growth and globalization / edited by Aurora Teixeira London : Routledge, 2016. 18 JB 64 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Crises of microcredit / edited by Isabele Guerin, Marc Labie and Jean-Michel Servet London : Zed Books, 2015. 90 E 136 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Degrowth : a vocabulary for a new era / edited by Giacomo D'Alisa, Federico Demaria and Giorgos Kallis London : Routledge, 2015. 90 A 493 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Development and the state in the 21st century : tackling the challenges facing the developing world / Natasha Ezrow London : Palgrave, 2016. 90 M 33 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Economic policy : thoughts for today and tomorrow / Ludwig Von Mises New edition / edited and with an introduction by Bettina Bien Greaves. Indianapolis, Indiana : Liberty Fund, 2009. 10 H 45 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Economic role of the state / edited by Arnold Heertje Oxford : Basil Blackwell in association with Bank Insinger de Beaufort, 1989. 15 B 46 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Economics of the family / Martin Browning Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014. 96 C 45 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Economics rules : why economics works, when it fails, and how to tell the difference / Dani Rodrik Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2015]. 10 C 158 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Economy : critical essays in human geography / edited by Ron Martkn Aldershot : Ashgate, [2008]. 4 B 39 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Essential mathematics for economic analysis / Knut Sydsaeter 4th ed. Harlow : Pearson, 2012. 70 B 110d (Marshall Library Classmark)
Ethnicity & conflict in the Horn of Africa / edited by Katsuyoshi Fukui and John Markakis London : James Currey, 1994. 101 A 33 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Euro in danger : reform and reset / Jagjit Chadha Cambridge : Searching Finance Ltd., 2012. PAMPHLET 31 D 256 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Europe and national economic transformation : the EU after the Lisbon decade / edited by Mitchell P. Smith Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 73 GA 102 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Faces of hunger : an essay on poverty, justice, and development / Onora O'Neill London : G. Allen & Unwin, 1986. 90 L 60 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Falling off the edge : globalization, world peace and other lies / Alex Perry London : Pan Books, 2015. 84 B 387 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Female soldiers in Sierra Leone : sex, security, and post-conflict development / Megan Mackenzie New York ; London : New York University Press, [2012]. 101 A 34 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Foundations of the economic approach to law / edited by Avery Katz New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1998. 93 GA 43 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Gender equality and sustainable development / edited by Melissa Leach London : Routledge, 2016. 90 K 76 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Gender, development, and globalization : economics as if all people mattered / Lourdes Beneria Second edition. London : Routledge, 2016. 90 A 495b (Marshall Library Classmark)
Globalization and poverty / edited by Paul Collier and Jan Gunning Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, [2008]. 90 L 282 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Globalization development and social justice : a propositional political approach / Ann El Khoury London : Routledge, 2015. 84 B 388 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Golden fleece : manipulation and independence in humanitarian action / edited by Antonio Donini Boulder, Colorado ; London : Kumarian Press, [2012]. 99 E 44 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Good project : humanitarian relief NGOs and the fragmentation of reason / Monika Krause Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 2014. 90 N 39 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Governance, conflict and development in South Asia : perspectives from India, Nepal and Sri Lanka / edited by Siri Hettige and Eva Gerharz New Delhi ; London : SAGE Publications, 2015. 79 DD 5 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Granularity theory with applications to finance and insurance / Patrick Gagliardnini Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014. 34 H 180 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Great divide / Joseph Stiglitz [London] : Allen Lane, [2015]. 19 H 169 (Marshall Library Classmark)
History of macroeconomics from Keynes to Lucas and beyond / Michel de Vroey New York ; Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2016. 10 C 159 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Humanitarian decade : challenges for humanitarian assistance in the last decade and into the future / United Nations New York : United Nations, [2004]. 99 E 46 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Idea of India / Sunil Khilnani Reprint, with a further new introduction. London : Penguin, 2012. 80 B 63 (Marshall Library Classmark)
India after Gandhi : the history of the world's largest democracy / Ramachandra Guha London : Pan, 2007. 80 BB 2 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Indian economy in transition : globalization, capitalism and development / Anjan Chakrabarti Delhi, India ; Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2016. 80 BE 295 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Industrial organization : markets and strategies / Paul Belleflamme Second edition. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, [2015]. 23 A 61b (Marshall Library Classmark)
Inequality : what can be done? / Anthony Atkinson Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London : Harvard University Press, 2015. 19 H 165 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Institutional economics / Bernard Chavance London : Routledge, 2013. PAMPHLET 16 D 97 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Intermediate microeconomics : a modern approach / Hal Varian Ninth edition. New York ; London : W.W. Norton, 2014. 17 A 64i (Marshall Library Classmark)
Intervention and state-building in the Pacific : the legitimacy of 'cooperative intervention' / edited by Greg Fry and Tarcisius Kabutaulaka Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2008. 82 A 121 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Introduction to econometric theory : measure-theoretic probability and statistics with applications to economics / Ronald Gallant Princeton, New Jersey ; Chichester : Princeton University Press, [1997]. 70 C 419 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Introduction to econometrics / James Stock Updated third edition, Global edition. Boston, Massachusetts ; Harlow : Pearson Education Limited, [2015]. 70 C 113d (Marshall Library Classmark)
Introductory statistics / Sheldon Ross 3rd ed. Amsterdam ; London : Academic Press/Elsevier, c2010. 70 A 254c (Marshall Library Classmark)
Just and unjust wars : a moral argument with historical illustrations / Michael Walzer Fifth edition. New York : Basic Books, [2015]. 101 B 9e (Marshall Library Classmark)
Labour, employment and economic growth in India / edited by K.V. Ramaswamy New Delhi ; Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015. 80 BE 296 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Land to the tiller : the political economy of agrarian reform in South Asia / Ronald Herring New Haven, Connecticut ; London : Yale University Press, [1983]. 79 DC 6 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Lockdown America : police and prisons in the age of crisis / Christian Parenti New edition. London : Verso, 2008. 93 F 58 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Macroeconomics / Stephen Williamson Fifth edition, International edition. Harlow : Pearson, [2014] 29 A 84e (Marshall Library Classmark)
Macroeconomics /Charles Jones Third edition, International student edition. New York ; London : W.W. Norton & Company, [2014?] 29 A 141c (Marshall Library Classmark)
Managing the city economy : challenges and strategies in developing countries / Le-Yin Zhang London : Routledge, 2015. 90 O 51 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Market microstructure in practice / Charles-Albert Lehalle New Jersey ; London : World Scientific, [2014]. 34 F 202 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Market revolution and its limits : a price for everything / Alan Shipman London : Routledge, 1999. 25 B 55 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Measuring the impacts of federal investments in research : a workshop summary / Steve Olson Washington, D.C. : National Academies Press, [2011]. 22 B 323 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Medieval India / edited by Irfan Habib New Delhi ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1999. 80 BB 36 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Meta-analysis in Stata : an updated collection from the Stata Journal / Stata Journal Second edition. College Station, Texas. : StataPress, [2016]. 70 HA 31b (Marshall Library Classmark)
Nation-building unraveled? : aid, peace and justice in Afghanistan / edited by Antonio Donini, Norah Niland and Karin Wermester Bloomfield, Connecticut : Kumarian Press, [2004]. 99 E 47 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Neoclassical political economy : the analysis of rent-seeking and DUP activities / edited by David Colander Cambridge, Massachusetts : Ballinger, [1984]. 15 F 23 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Outward to the world : how the left's foreign policy can face the future / edited by Ed Wallis London : Fabian Society, 2015. PAMPHLET 76 C 297 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Peaceland : conflict resolution and the everyday politics of international intervention / Selverine Autesserre New York ; Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014. 102 A 5 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Power and global economic institutions / Ayse Kaya Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015. 16 D 98 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Prolonged labour : the slow birth of New Labour Britain / David Coates Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. 76 C 219 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Regional modernities : the cultural politics of development in India / edited by K. Sivaramakrishnan and Arun Agrawal Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, 2003. 80 BD 17 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Rewriting the rules of the American economy : an agenda for growth and shared prosperity / Joseph Stiglitz New York ; London : W. W. Norton & Company, [2016]. 77 C 103 (Marshall Library Classmark)
SAGE handbook of economic geography / edited by Andrew Leyshon, Roger Lee, Linda McDowell and Peter Sunley Los Angeles ; London : Sage, 2011. 4 B 38 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Sole spokesman : Jinnah, the Muslim League, and the demand for Pakistan / Ayesha Jalal Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1994. 80 CB 1 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Speculation, trading, and bubbles / J. A. Scheinkman New York : Columbia University Press, [2014]. 34 F 203 (Marshall Library Classmark)