14 days to exam success / Lucinda Becker Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 110 A 108 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Arthur Cecil Pigou / Nahid Aslanbeigui Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. 13 C 148 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Banking in crisis : the rise and fall of British banking stability, 1800 to the present / John Turner Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014. 32 A 93 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Bayesian methods : a social and behavioral sciences approach / Jeff Gill Third edition. Boca Raton, Florida ; London : CRC Press / Taylor & Francis Group, [2015]. 70 A 209c (Marshall Library Classmark)
Brilliant writing tips for students / Julia Copus Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. 110 A 115 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Capitalism : competition, conflict, crises / Anwar Shaikh Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2016]. 60 B 210 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Chronicles : on our troubled times / Thomas Piketty London : Viking, [2016]. 84 A 194 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Comparative risk assessment and environmental decision making / NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Comparative Risk Assessment and Environmental Decision Making Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, [2004]. 1 C 281 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Completing your PhD / Kate Williams [and five others] Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. 110 A 111 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Corporate finance / David Hillier Third European edition. London : Mcgraw-Hill, [2016]. 34 C 140c (Marshall Library Classmark)
Course in behavioral economics / Erik Angner Second edition. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 16 H 26b (Marshall Library Classmark)
Doing research / Gary Thomas Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. 110 A 117 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Economics / Gregory Mankiw Third edition. Andover : Cengage Learning, [2014]. 16 A 95c (Marshall Library Classmark)
Economics of banking / Kent Matthews Third edition. Chichester : Wiley, [2014]. 32 B 62c (Marshall Library Classmark)
Economics of imperfect labor markets / Tito Boeri Second edition. Princeton, New Jersey ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, [2013]. 63 B 111b (Marshall Library Classmark)
Economics or politics? : a lecture by Paul van Zeeland / Paul van Zeeland Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1939. PAMPHLET 11 D 82 (Marshall Library Classmark)
End of alchemy : money, banking and the future of the global economy / Mervyn King London : Little, Brown, [2016]. 32 B 93 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Europe : in or out? Everything you need to know / David Charter London : Biteback Publishing, 2016. 76 C 299 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Future left : can the left respond to a changing society? / edited by Andrew Harrop and Ed Wallis London : Fabian Society, 2016. PAMPHLET 73 GC 116 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Game theory : a multi-leveled approach / Hans Peters Second edition. Heidelberg : Springer, 2015. 70 F 274b (Marshall Library Classmark)
Game theory in action : an introduction to classical and evolutionary models / Stephen Schecter Princeton, New Jersey ; Oxford : Princeton University Pres, [2016]. 70 F 293 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Handbook of game theory / edited by Petyon Young and Shmuel Zamir Oxford : North Holland, [2015]. 70 F 206:4 (Marshall Library Classmark)
In/out question : why Britain should stay in the EU and fight to make it better / Hugo Dixon Fourth edition. [Place of publication not identified] : Scampstonian, 2016. 76 C 298d (Marshall Library Classmark)
International economics / James Gerber Sixth edition. Harlow : Pearson, [2014]. 84 A 139f (Marshall Library Classmark)
Introduction to econometrics / Christopher Dougherty Fifth edition. Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2016]. 70 C 108e (Marshall Library Classmark)
Labor economics / Pierre Cahuc Second edition. Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London : MIT Press, [2014]. 63 B 102b (Marshall Library Classmark)
Measures and men / Witold Kula Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [2014]. 73 A 58 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Mobilizing money : how the world's richest nations financed industrial growth / Caroline Fohlin Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, [2012]. 32 A 94 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Monetary policy, inflation, and the business cycle : an introduction to the new Keynesian framework and its applications / Jordi Gali Second edition. Princeton, New Jersey ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, [2015]. RESERVE 31 C 144b (Marshall Library Classmark)
Monetary policy, inflation, and the business cycle : an introduction to the new Keynesian framework and its applications / Jordi Gali Second edition. Princeton, New Jersey ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, [2015]. 31 C 144b (Marshall Library Classmark)
Next great war? : the roots of World War I and the risk of U.S.-China conflict / edited by Richard N. Rosencrance and Steven Miller Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London : The MIT Press, [2015]. 101 B 10 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Open economy dynamics : selected papers / Pentti Kouri Helsinki : Pentti Kouri Scientific Work Association with the support of Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation and Saara and Björn Wahlroos Foundation, [2011]. 33 B 132 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Oxford handbook of applied nonparametric and semiparametric econometrics and statistics / edited by Jeffrey Racine, Liangjun Su and Aman Ullah Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2014]. 70 C 422 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Planning your dissertation / Kate Williams Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. 110 A 114 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Planning your essay / Janet Godwin Second edition. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. 110 A 113b (Marshall Library Classmark)
Planning your PhD / Kate Williams [and five others] Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 110 A 107 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Posters & presentations / Emily Bethell Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. 110 A 122 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Productive purpose : investment, competitiveness and the new economics / Bryan Gould London : Fabian Society, [2016]. PAMPHLET 76 B 124 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Reading & making notes / Jeanne Godfrey Second edition. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. 110 A 116b (Marshall Library Classmark)
Referencing & understanding plagiarism / Kate Williams Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. 110 A 106 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Report writing / Michelle Reid Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 110 A 119 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Research in economic history / edited by Christopher Hanes and Susan Wolcott Bingley : Emerald Publishing, 2016. 72 A 71:1:2016 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Risk management and financial institutions / John Hull Fourth Edition. Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, [2015]. 34 D 106d (Marshall Library Classmark)
Routledge handbook of global economic history / edited by Francesco Boldizzoni and Pat Hudson London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016. 72 A 102 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Short course in intermediate microeconomics with calculus / Roberto Serrano Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013. 17 A 163 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Slums : how informal real estate markets work / edited by Eugenie Birch, Shahana Chattaraj and Susan Wachter Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, [2016]. 90 O 57 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Social mix and the city : challenging the mixed communities consensus in housing and urban planning policies / Kathy Arthurson Collingwood, Victoria : CSIRO Publishing, [2012]. 90 O 56 (Marshall Library Classmark)
State-space methods for time series analysis : theory, applications and software / Jose Casals Boca Raton, Florida ; London : CRC Press, [2016]. 70 E 157 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Statistics : principles and methods / Richard Johnson Seventh edition. Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, [2014]. 70 A 211g (Marshall Library Classmark)
Studying with dyslexia / Janet Godwin Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 110 A 121 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Success in groupwork / Peter Hartley Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 110 A 120 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Time management / Kate Williams Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. 110 A 118 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Understanding China : the Silk Road and the Communist manifesto / Peter Nolan London : Routledge, 2016. 79 BE 303 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Using multivariate statistics / Barbara tabachnick Sixth edition. Harlow : Pearson, [2014]. 70 A 174f (Marshall Library Classmark)
Why vote leave / Daniel Hannan London : Head Of Zeus, 2016. 76 C 300 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Writing for university / Jeanne Godfrey Second edition. London : Palgrave, 2016. 110 A 112b (Marshall Library Classmark)