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If you would like to suggest a link to another useful source of historical statistical data, please feel free to use our Online Resource Link Suggestion Form. We will then consider adding it to the list of resources below.

Title Abstract Access Route
Developing country export statistics : 1840 : 1860 : 1880 : 1900 This data was collected from official statistics by John Hanson for his book Trade in transition : exports from the Third World, 1840-1900. The downloadable Excel spreadsheet contains : the total value of exports from selected countries in 1840, 1860, 1880 and 1900 ; the value of exports for each major commodity in thirty developing countries : the geographic destination of these exports and : the value of exports for selected commodities in 1840, 1860, 1880 and 1900. Unrestricted EH.Net provides an online location for researchers in economic history to make their historical data series available to other interested scolars. Several data series are available as downloadable files. Unrestricted
Global Finance Database Hosted by the Economic History Association, this database includes 18 sovereign countries and 15 colonies of the British Empire. Series include the following : Government revenue : Budget deficit : Public debt : Customs revenues : Central bank reserves : Nominal GDP : Exports : Population : Enfranchised % of population. Unrestricted
Global Price and Income History Group Produced by a research team measuring prices, incomes and economic wellbeing around the world before 1950. Data covering wages, income distributions and wheat prices for hundreds of countries and geographical areas is available to download as Excel spreadsheets. Unrestricted
NBER's Macrohistory Database Pre-WWI and interwar data from the US plus some from the UK, France and Germany. Areas covered include income, employment, price data, money supplies, interest rates, stocks, savings, investment, government budget and finance and foreign trade. Unrestricted
Statistical Yearbook of the League of Nations : (1926-1942-44) Forerunner of the United Nations Statistical Yearbook Unrestricted
UN Comtrade UN Comtrade contains detailed imports and exports statistics reported by statistical authorities of nearly 200 countries or areas. It concerns annual trade data from 1962 to the most recent year. It is considered the most comprehensive trade database available with more than 1 billion records. The database is continuously updated. Whenever trade data are received from the national authorities, they are standardized by the UN Statistics Division and then added to UN Comtrade. Cam domain / Raven password
World Economy : Vol. 1 : A millennial perspective & Vol. 2 : Historical statistics / by Angus Maddison From OECD iLibrary. These two volumes bring together estimates of world GDP for the past 2000 years and provie a unique perspective on the rise and fall of economies historically. This new edition contains Statlinks, a service providing access to the underlying data in Excel format. Cam domain / Raven password
United Kingdom
History Data Service Although primarily focused on the UK, this data collection also includes international data covering a wide range of topics including 19th and 20th century statistics, state finance data, demographic data, mortality data and economic indicators. Unrestricted
National Statistics Time Series Data (via ESDS) From the Office for National Statistics, contains monthly, quarterly and annual datasets for over 40,000 economic time series. The earliest series start from 1946, whereas others begin at various other dates. Raven password
Online Historical Population Reports (OHPR) The Online Historical Population Reports (OHPR) collection provides online access to the complete British population reports for Britain and Ireland from 1801 to 1937. The collection goes far beyond the basic population reports with a wealth of textual and statistical material which provide an in-depth view of the economy, society (through births, deaths and marriages) and medicine during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Unrestricted
Annuaire statistique (1900-1935) Digitised version of Annuaire statistique / Ministère du commerce, de l’industrie, des postes et télégraphes, Office du travail, Statistique générale de la France. Unrestricted
La Statistique Générale de la France Contains various historical datasets related to population, population movements and industrial production. Unrestricted
Wheat prices in France, 1825-1913 Hosted by the Economic History Association, this data was provided by Bertrand Roehner and published in Un siecle de commerce du ble en France [Wheat trade and wheat prices in France : 1825-1913] / S. Drame, C. Gonfalone, J. Miller and B. Roehner. Paris : Economica, 1991. Unrestricted
Albrecht Ritschl's datasets on 20th-century Germany Datasets supporting LSE Professor Albrecht Ritschl's book Deutschlands Krise und Konjunktur. Berlin : Akademie-Verlag, 2002. Data is available in downloadable Excel spreadsheets and includes the following : Annual national accounts (1925-1938) : Corrected quarterly employment series (1925-1938) : 15 other quarterly series, including output, private consumption, capital stock, money, etc. : Monetary base, M1, M2, and their components, revised annual data (1924-1943). Unrestricted
Historische Datenbank (Lehrstuhl für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Universität Münster) Provides access to a wide selection of historical statistics on the economic history of Germany since 1850. You will need to download the excel file with the index and click on a data set to get the statistics. Unrestricted
Statistiches Jahrbuch fur das Deutsche Reich A digital version of the important publication of German economic and trade statistics covering the period 1880-1941/2. Unrestricted
Italian Historical Statistical Repository This repository contains data covering the environmental, social & economic changes that Italy has undergone from unification in 1861 to the present day. Data are organised into 22 thematic areas and can be downloaded and processed. Time series for health, justice, demography and external trade run from 1861. Unrestricted
Dutch Censuses 1795-1971 Provides access to most of the Dutch census tables, published in the period 1795-1971. The original records are available as images as well as MS Excel tables. In addition, this site includes many of the original census documents in PDF format. Unrestricted
Dutch National Accounts, 1800-1913 Reconstructs national income data concerning income, prices, foreign trade, production, employment and capital formation from 1800 to 1913. Also gives access to statistics in html and downloadable as excel files. Unrestricted
United States
Archival Federal Reserve Economic Data (ALFRED) ALFRED allows users to retrieve vintage versions of economic data that were available on specific dates in history. ALFRED states that "In general, economic data for past observation periods are revised as more accurate estimates become available. As a result, previous vintages of data can be superseded and may no longer be available from various data sources. Vintage or real time economic data allows academics to reproduce others' research, build more accurate forecasting models, and analyze economic policy decisions using the data available at the time". Unrestricted
Department of Commerce The department of the United States government concerned with promoting economic growth. The mission of the department is to "promote job creation and improved living standards for all Americans by creating an infrastructure that promotes economic growth, technological competitiveness, and sustainable development". Among its tasks are gathering economic and demographic data for business and government decision-making, issuing patents and trademarks, and helping to set industrial standards. Unrestricted
FRASER (Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research) FRASER is a digital archive begun in 2004 to safeguard, preserve and provide easy access to the United States' economic history - particularly the history of the Federal Reserve System - through digitization of documents related to the U.S. Financial system : Publications of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors / Publications of each of the Federal Reserve banks / Statements, speeches and archival materials of the Federal Reserve policy makers / Government data publications / Statistical releases / Congressional hearings / Books / Reports by various organizations. Unrestricted
Historical Statistics of the United States Comprehensive compendium of statistics recording every aspect of the history of the US. Users are able to search, customize and download data easily and conveniently in a variety of formats. Originally published by the United States Census Bureau but now published by Cambridge University Press. Cam domain / Raven password
State Arts Agency Public Funding Sourcebook From the U.S. National Assembly of State Arts Agencies. This sourcebook provides data on each state arts agency's legislative appropriation from 1970 to the present day Unrestricted
United States Census Bureau The leading provider of quality data about the people and economy of the United States. A guide to using this service is available here. Unrestricted
Latin America
Montevideo-Oxford Latin American Economic History Database (MOxLAD) The Montevideo-Oxford Latin American Economic History Database : MOxLAD is a database that contains statistical series for a wide range of economic and social indicators covering twenty Latin American countries for the twentieth century and beyond. Coverage is now being extended back to 1870. Unrestricted