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Journal title Location(s) Holdings Continuation of Continues as
Eastern Economist Basement (1949-1960)
Eastern European Economics Basement (1964-1989)
Ecological Economics Gallery 149 - 150 (1989-
Econometric Reviews Gallery 150 (1982-2006 imperf.)
Econometric Theory Gallery 150 (1986-2006 imperf.)
Econometrica Gallery 150 - 151 (1933-2014)
Econometrics Journal Gallery 151 (1998-2012)
Economia Internazionale Basement (1948-2005)
Economic and Labour Market Review Gallery 181
(2002-) Economic trends and Labour market trends
Economic and Political Weekly Gallery 151
(1998- 2006) (contin. of Economic Weekly)
Economic Conditions in Germany Basement (1935-1939)
Economic Development and Cultural Change Gallery 151 (1959-2007 imperf.)
Economic Forum Basement (1978-1987 imperf.) (contin. of Intermountain Economic Review)
Economic Geography Online access only
Economic History Review Gallery 151 - 152
(1945 - 2012 )
(1927 - 1944)
Economic Indicators (U.S. Council of Economic Advisors) (1976-)
Economic Inquiry Gallery 152
(1974-2006) (contin. of Western Economic Journal)
Economic Journal Gallery 152 - 153
Economic Journal of Hokkaido University Basement (1990-2003) (contin. of Hokudai Economic Papers)
Economic Modelling Gallery 142 (High)
(1984-2005 imperf.)
(1984-2005 imperf.)
Economic Notes Basement (1972-1998)
Economic Outlook (London Business School, Centre for Economic Forecasting) Gallery 153
(1977--2004) (contin. of International Economic Outlook)
Economic Papers : a journal of applied economics and policy Gallery 142 (High) (2009-) Economic Society of Australia and New Zealand. New South Wales Branch. Economic papers
Economic Policy Gallery 142 (High) (1985-2012)
Economic Policy Review Basement
(1975-1978) (contin. as Cambridge Economic Policy Review)
Economic Record Gallery 142 - 143 (High) (1925-2012 imperf.)
Economic Review Gallery 153 (1996-
Economic Review, Christian Social Union Basement (1891-1914)
Economic Studies (American Economic Association) Basement (1896-1910)
Economic Survey of Indian Agriculture Basement (1961/2-1962/3)
Economic Trends (Central Statistical Office/Office for National Statistics) Gallery 179
(1953-2006) Economic and Labour Market Review
Economic Trends, Annual Supplement Gallery 179
Economic Weekly Basement (1961-1966 imperf.) (contin. as Economic and Political Weekly)
Economica Gallery 153
(1993 - 2012)
(1921 - 1992)
(1921- 2012)
Economics (Economics Association) Basement (1968-1990 imperf.)
Economics and Mathematical Methods Basement (1966-1977)
Economics and Philosophy Gallery 143 (High) (1985-)
Economics and Politics Basement (1989)
Economics Letters Gallery 143 - 144 (High) (1978- 2005 imperf.)
Economie Applique Basement (1968-1976)
Economist (De) Gallery 149
(1971- 2011 imperf.)
(1950- imperf.)
Economist (The) Gallery 153 - 154
(2000- )
Economy and History Basement (1958-1980) (contin. as Scandinavian Economic History Review)
Ekonomisk Tidskrift Basement (1958-1964) (contin. as Swedish Journal of Economics)
Ekonomista Basement (1962-1988)
Electricity Journal Gallery 144 (High)
(1997- 2009 imperf.)
(1997- 2009 imperf.)
Electricity Pool Statistical Digest Basement (1992-1999 imperf.)
Employment and Productivity Gazette Basement (1968-1970) (contin. of Ministry of Labour Gazette) (contin. as Department of Employment Gazette)
Employment Gazette Basement (1980-1995 imperf.) (contin. of Department of Employment Gazette) (contin. as Labour Market Trends)
Employment in Europe: Employment Observatory Trends Basement (1993-1999)
Energy Balances of OECD Countries Basement (1970-1999)
Energy Policies of IEA Countries Basement (1977-2003)
Energy Report Basement (1994- 2000) Development of UK oil and gas resources
Energy Statistics Basement (1990-1996) Energy Statistics of OECD Countries
Energy statistics and balances of non-OECD countries Basement (1991-1997)
Energy Statistics of OECD countries Basement (1980-1994) Energy Statistics
Energy Trends Gallery 181
Environment and Development Economics Gallery 144 (High) (1996-2006)
Environmental and Resource Economics Gallery 144 (High) (1991- 2011)
European Economic Review Gallery 154 (1969-2012 imperf.)
European Economy Gallery 154
(1981 - 2007 imperf.)
(1981 - 2007 imperf.)
European Economy Supplement A: Economic Trends Basement (1981-2001)
European Economy Supplement B: Business and Consumer Results Basement (1981-2001)
European Economy Supplement C: Economic Reform Monitor Basement (1982-2001)
European Journal of Industrial Relations Gallery 155 (1995- imperf.)
European Journal of Political Economy Gallery 144 - 145 (High) (1989- 2012 imperf.)
European Studies Newsletter Basement (1985-2001 imperf.)
Europe-Asia Studies Basement (1993-2001) (contin. of Soviet Studies)
Experimental Economics : a journal of the Economic Science Association Gallery 145 (High) (2003- 2011)
Explorations in Economic History Gallery 145 (High)
(1969- 2012)
(1969- 2012) (contin. of Explorations in Entrepreneurial History)
Explorations in Entrepreneurial History Gallery 155 (1953-1958) (contin. as Explorations in Economic History)
Explorations of Economic Research Basement (1974-1978)