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Agriculture, poverty and freedom in developing countries / E. Clayton London : Macmillan Press Ltd., 1983. 90 I 173 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Applied health economics / A.M. Jones, N. Rice, T. D'Uva and S. Balia Second edition London : Routledge, 2013. 45 A 47b (Marshall Library Classmark)

Bayesian analysis with stata / John Thompson First edition. College Station, Texas : Stata Press, 2014. 70 HA 27 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Central bank communication, decision making, and governance : issues, challenges, and case studies / edited by Pierre L. Siklos and Jan-Egbert Sturm Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press, [2013]. 32 C 130 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Change leadership in developing countries / Franca Ovadje London : Routledge, 2014. 90 B 267 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Chronology of political and economic events in the Danube Basin, 1918-1936, Bulgaria / International Studies Conference Paris : International Institute of Intellectual Co-Operation, League of Nations, 1938. BPAMPHLET 74 G 92 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Corporate finance / Jonathan B. Berk 3rd. global ed. Boston, Mass. ; London : Pearson, c2014. 34 C 139c (Marshall Library Classmark)

Cross section and experimental data analysis using EViews / I Agung Singapore : John Wiley, 2011. 70 HF 4 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Dacca, gateway to the East / Sayed Hasan Dacca : Research Centre for Islamic Art and Culture, 1982. BPAMPHLET 90 A 29 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Development economics : a new paradigm / Syed Naqvi New Delhi : Sage Publications, 1993. 90 A 478 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Development of forests and forest-based industries / L.C. Sharma Dehra Dun : Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, 1978. B90 I 172 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Development of tubewell irrigation in India / B.D. Dhawan New Delhi : Agricole Publishing Academy, 1982. B90 I 162 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Discovering statistics using R / Andy Field Los Angeles ; London : SAGE, 2012. 70 HZ 30 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Divisia monetary aggregates : theory and practice / edited by Michael T. Belongia and Jane Binner Houndmills : Palgrave, 2000. 31 C 180 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Economics of money, banking and financial markets / Frederick Mishkin European ed. / Frederic S. Mishkin, Kent Matthews, Massimo Giuliodori. Harlow : Pearson, 2013. 31 A 62 Euro (Marshall Library Classmark)

Economics of services : microfoundations, development and policy / Jan Jansson Second edition. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2013. 26 D 158 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Economics of tropical farm management / J.P. Makeham Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1986. B90 I 183 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Economies of imperfect labor markets / Tito Boeri Second edition. Princeton, New Jersey ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, [2013]. 63 B 111b (Marshall Library Classmark)

Emissions trading design : a critical overview / Stefan Weishaar Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, [2014]. 1 D 110 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Employment in the lean years : policy and prospects for the next decade / edited by David Marsden Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011. 63 A 216 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Environmental aspects of surface water systems of Bangladesh / edited by Atiq Rahman, Saleemul Huq, Gordon Conway and A. Rahman Dhaka, Bangladesh : University Press Limited, 1990. B90 I 168 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Europe : the case for unsustainable growth / Richard Layard Bruxelles : Center for European Policy Studies, 1984. BPAMPHLET 73 GA 98 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Farmers in the management of irrigation systems / edited by K. Singh New Delhi : Sterling Publishers Private Limited, 1991. B90 I 166 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Farming systems in the Nigerian savanna : research and strategies for development / D.W. Norman Boulder, Colorado : Westview Press, 1982. B90 I 175 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Financial crises and the nature of capitalist money : mutual developments from the work of Geoffrey Ingham / edited by Jocelyn Pixley and G.C. Harcourt Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. 33 F 307 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Floods : a geographical perspective / Roy Ward London : Macmillan, 1978. B1 G 90 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Food legumes / D.E. Kay London : Tropical Products Institute, 1979. B90 I 186 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Future of community finance / L. Spaventa Brussels: Center for European Policy Studies, 1986. BPAMPHLET 73 GA 99 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Future of the SDR in light of changes in the international financial system / edited by Michael Mussa, James M. Boughton and Peter Isard Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 1996. 31 F 171 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Geography of multinationals : studies in the spatial development and economic consequences of multinational corporations / edited by M.Taylor and N. Thrift London : Croom Helm, 1982. B4 A 38 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Glimpses of Doon Valley project / Watershed Management Directorate Nainital, India : Published for Watershed Management Directorate, Uttaranchal by Gyanodaya Prakashan, 2002. B90 I 165 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Globalization of human rights / edited by Jean-Marc Coicaud, Michael W. Doyle and Anne-Marie Gardner Tokyo : United Nations University Press, [2003]. 93 B 60 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Growth and cycle in the Eurozone / edited by Gian Luigi Mazzi and Giovanni Savio Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. 73 GA 97 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Higher and further education : report of a Labour Party study group / Labour Party London : The Labour Party, 1973. BPAMPHLET 40 C 2 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Impact of irrigation : studies of canal, well, and tank irrigation in Karnataka / Mangesh Nadkarni First edition. Bombay : Himalaya Publishing House, 1979. B90 I 167 (Marshall Library Classmark)

India in the contemporary world : polity, economy and international relations / Jakub Zajaczkowski New Delhi ; Abingdon : Routledge, 2014. 80 BD 13 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Indian development planning and policy : an alternative view / Yoginder Alagh New Delhi : Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., [1991]. B90 B 268 (Marshall Library Classmark)

International economics / Robert Feenstra Third edition. New York : Worth Publishers, [2014]. 84 A 150c (Marshall Library Classmark)

Irrigation principles and practices / Orson Israelsen Third edition. New York : Wiley, 1962. B90 I 182c (Marshall Library Classmark)

Liberal education in a knowledge society / edited by Barry Smith and Julian Park Chicago, Illinois : Open Court, 2002. 40 A 42 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Livestock resources in Bangladesh : present status and future potential / Jahangira Alama Dhaka : University Press Limited, 1995. B90 I 164 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Macroeconomic prospects and policies for the European Community / R. Dornbusch Bruxelles : Center for European Policy Studies, 1983. BPAMPHLET 73 GA 100 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Macroeconomics / G. N. Mankiw Second European edition. New York : Worth Publishers, [2014.] 29 A 104f 2nd Euro (Marshall Library Classmark)

Major economic changes in 1948 / United Nations Department of Economic Affairs Lake Success, New York : United Nations Publications, 1949. BPAMPHLET 72 F 69 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Methodologies to evaluate performance of irrigation systems : proceedings of a regional workshop held from 25-27 June 1985 in Dhaka. [Bangladesh] : Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, 1986. B90 I 185 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Microeconomic foundations / David Kreps Princeton, N.J. ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, c2013. 17 A 161:1 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Minor irrigation development administration : (a study in an Indian state) / B.S. Bhargava New Delhi : Ashish Publishing House, 1980. B90 I 179 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Monetary and fiscal policy in an integrated Europe / edited by Barry Eichengreen, Jeffry Frieden and Jurgen von Hagen Berlin : Springer, 1995. 31 D 253 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Monetary policy on the 75th anniversary of the Federal Reserve System : proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Economic Policy Conference of the Federal Research Bank of St. Louis / edited by Michael T. Belongia Boston, Massachusetts : Springer, 1991. 32 C 131 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Multipurpose trees for agroforestry and wasteland utilisation / Raj Gupta New Delhi : Oxford & IBH Publishing, [1993]. B90 I 178 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Nayakrishi Andolon : cultivating ananda, planting the seed of joy / Unnayan Bikalper Niti Nirdharoni Gobeshona Dhaka : UBINIG , [1998?]. BPAMPHLET 90 I 169 (Marshall Library Classmark)

New capitals of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh / Sten Nilsson London : Curzon Press, 1973. B90 O 27 (Marshall Library Classmark)

New political economy of Russia / Erik Berglof, Andrew Kunov, Julia Shvets and Ksenia Yudaeva Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London : MIT Press, [2003]. 74 O 88 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Organisation of small-scale tree nurseries : studies from Asia, Africa and Latin America / Edwin Shanks London : Overseas Development Institute, 1994. B90 I 184 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Panel data analysis using EViews / I Agung Chichester, West Sussex : John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2014. 70 HF 7 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Post-structuralist geography : a guide to relational space / Jonathan Murdoch London : Sage Publications, 2006. 4 B 35 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Precipitation of Pakistan : synoptic situations and salient features / Bilquis Gauhar London : Asian Publishing Company, 1980. B1 G 91 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Productivity race : British manufacturing in international perspective, 1850-1990 / S.N. Broadberry Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997. 75 E 35 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Public finance and public policy : responsibilities and limitations of government / Arye Hillman 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009. 28 AB 18b (Marshall Library Classmark)

Quest for economic stabilisation : the IMF and the Third World / edited by Tony Killick Aldershot : Gower in association with the Overseas Development Institute, 1984. 33 C 74 (Marshall Library Classmark)

R for Stata users / Robert Muenchen New York ; London : Springer, [2010]. 70 HA 26 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Recent advances and trends in nonparametric statistics / Amsterdam ; San Diego, California : Elsevier, 2003. 70 A 294 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Reconstruction of international monetary arrangements / edited by Robert Z. Aliber Basingstoke : Macmillan, 1987. 33 B 130 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Regions in question : space, development theory and regional policy / C.G. Gore London : Methuen, 1984. B4 A 40 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Report of an enquiry into household expenditure in 1953-54 / Ministry of Labour and National Service London : Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1957. B75 E 135 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Report of the royal commission on the coal industry (1925) with minutes of evidence and appendices / Royal Commission on the Coal Industry London : His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1926. B26 EC 12 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Research for rainfed farming : proceedings of the ICAR-ODA joint workshop, September 11-14, 1995, CRIDA, Hyderabad, India / edited by J.C. Katyal and John Farrington Hyderabad : National Academy of Agricultural Research Management , [1997]. B90 I 163 (Marshall Library Classmark)

River basin planning : theory and practice / edited by S.K. Saha and C.J. Barrow Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1981. B1 E 181 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Small-scale fisheries in Asia : socioeconomic analysis and policy / edited by Theodore Panayotou Ottawa : International Development Research Centre, 1987. B90 I 181 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Social formation in Dhaka City : a study in Third World urban sociology / Kamal Siddiqui Dhaka : University Press, 1990. B90 O 213 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Some aspects of change in agrarian structure / G.P. Mishra First edition. New Delhi : Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1977. B90 I 180 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Some aspects of irrigation administration : (a case study of Kosi project) / Niranjan Pant Calcutta : Arunima Print. Works : sole distributor, Naya Prokash, 1981. B90 I 171 (Marshall Library Classmark)

State government budget stabilization : policy, tools, and impacts / Yilin Hou New York : Springer, [2013]. 28 AB 53 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Study of trade organisations and combinations in the United Kingdom : based upon evidence given and documents laid before the committee on trusts / John Hilton London : Harrison and Sons, 1919. B66 A 16 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Swidden cultivation in Asia / Unesco Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific Bangkok : Unesco Regional Office for Education in Asia and the Pacific, 1983-1985. B90 I 176 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Territory and function : the evolution of regional planning / John Friedmann London : Edward Arnold, 1979. B4 A 39 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Time for rainfed agriculture / Leslie Swindale New Delhi : Coromandel Fertilizers Limited, 1981. BPAMPHLET 90 I 170 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Trade and development report : report by the secretariat of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. New York : United Nations, 1981- 90 D 90 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Trees for drylands / edited by Drake Hocking New Delhi : Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., [1993]. B90 I 177 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Unveiling India : a woman's journey / Anees Jung Middlesex, England : Penguin Books, 1987. BPAMPHLET 96 D 71 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Urban research in Bangladesh : review of recent trends and an agenda for the 1990s / Sub-Regional Workshop on Urban Research In Bangladesh and Sri Lanka Dhaka : Centre for Urban Studies, 1994. 90 O 28 (Marshall Library Classmark)

World recession and the food crisis in Africa / edited by Peter Lawrence London : James Currey [for the] Review of African Political Economy, 1986. 90 I 170 (Marshall Library Classmark)