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European data archives
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ADPSS (Milan) ADPSS-Sociodata is one of the most important Data Archive for the Social Sciences present in the Italian universities. Its aim is promoting social sciences data exchange, sharing and analysis. Unrestricted
ARCES - Archivo de Estudios Sociales (Madrid) ARCES is a Social Studies Archive created to gather the social data in different archives around the world in a single information and access point. It includes not only the surveys carried out by the CIS, but also those carried out by other organisations, both foreign and domestic. Unrestricted
Danish Data Archive The national social science data archive. It is dedicated to the acquisition, preservation and dissemination of (primarily) quantitative data created by researchers from the fields of social science, health science and history. Unrestricted
Data Archiving and Networked Services (The Hague) The DANS data archive collection contains thousands of datasets in the fields of humanities, archaeology, geospatial sciences and behavioural and social sciences. Contracts have been concluded with various institutions, such as the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the Dutch Land Registry Office (Kadaster), Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and the national government, with regard to the delivery of new data for scientific research. Unrestricted
Finnish Social Science Data Archive A national resource centre for social science research and teaching. FSD archives, promotes and disseminates digital research data for research, teaching and learning purposes. Unrestricted
FORS (Swiss Foundation for Research in Social Sciences) FORS enhances and supports work in the social sciences by conducting survey and methodological research, and by providing researchers with a wealth of information and data for secondary analysis. Unrestricted
GESIS (Germany) German national data archive. Unrestricted
Irish Social Science Data Archive The Irish Social Science Data Archive (ISSDA) is Ireland’s leading centre for quantitative data acquisition, preservation, and dissemination. Based at the UCD Geary Institute, its mission is to ensure wide access to quantitative datasets in the social sciences, and to advance the promotion of international comparative studies of the Irish economy and Irish society. Unrestricted
Norwegion Social Sciences Data Services NSD is one of the largest archives for research data of its kind and provides data to researchers and students in Norway and abroad. Additionally, NSD is a resource centre, which assists researchers with regard to data gathering, data analysis, and issues of methodology, privacy and research ethics. Unrestricted
Reseau Quetelet (Paris) Provides researchers from France and abroad with access to databases in the following domains : major data, censuses and other databases of French National Statistics, major French research data and access to certain international data. Unrestricted
RODA (Romanian Social Data Archive) RODA is the national Romanian institution specialised in archiving electronic data collections obtained by social research. The archive contains data collections accessible for the academic community and the interested public, for secondary and comparative analysis, under certain access conditions ranging from free access to some level of restriction imposed by owners. The archive serves as an intermediary between the data owners and data users. Unrestricted
TARKI (Social Research Informatics Center, Budapest) Hungarian social sciences data archive. Unrestricted
UK Data Archive (Essex) The Uks largest collection of digital research data in the social sciences and humanities. Unrestricted
WISDOM (Vienna) Wiener Institut fur Sozialwissenschaftliche Dokumentation und Methodik. Unrestricted
North American data archives
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IQSS (Harvard) The Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University provides access to the world's largest collection of fully searchable and browsable social science research data. Unrestricted
University of Alberta Data Library (Edmonton) The University of Alberta Data Library provides access to quantitative computer-readable research data from various disciplines in the social sciences, humanities, and life sciences. The Data Library collects data files from the Canadian Census, the Canadian National Population Health Survey, CANSIM, Canadian Gallup Polls, the All Alberta Survey, and many more. Unrestricted
University of Wisconsin Data & Information Services Center (DISC) (Madison) DISC provides quantitative, numeric microdata for researchers and students conducting secondary analysis in the social sciences. Unrestricted
Other data archives worldwide
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Australian Social Science Data Archive The Australian Social Science Data Archive (ASSDA) is a consortium of leading national Australian universities, managed by the Australian National University (ANU). ASSDA was established at the ANU in 1981 with a brief to provide a national service for the collection and preservation of computer readable data relating to social, political and economic affairs and to make these data available for further analysis. Unrestricted
New Zealand Social Science Data Service (NZSSDS) NZSSDS provides access to data from New Zealand surveys in the social sciences. Unrestricted
South African Data Archive (SADA) The South African Data Archive (SADA) serves as a broker between a range of data providers (e.g. statistical agencies, government departments, opinion and market research companies and academic institutions) and the research community. The archive does not only preserve data for future use, but also adds value to the collections. It safeguards datasets and related documentation and attempts to make it as easily accessible as possible for research and educational purposes. Unrestricted