Achieving society / David McClelland Mansfield Centre, Connecticut : Martino Publishing, 2010. 22 D 118 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Affluenza : how to be successful and stay sane / Oliver James London : Vermilion, 2007. 92 D 74 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Art of learning : a journey in the pursuit of excellence / Josh Waitzkin New York ; London : Free Press, 2008. 110 A 125 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Bargaining and markets / Martin Osborne Bingley : Emerald, [1990]. 70 F 105 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Biofuels, food security, and developing economies / Nazia Mintz-Habib London : Routledge, 2016. 90 I 207 (Marshall Library Classmark)
British financial crises since 1825 / edited by Nicholas Dimsdale and Anthony Hotson Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. 33 F 328 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Business cycles in the run of history / Thierry Aimar Cham : Springer, [2016]. 30 D 141 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Business model generation : a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers / Alexander Osterwalder Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, [2010]. 23 BA 4 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Cameron at 10 : the inside story, 2010-2015 / Anthony Seldon London : William Collins, 2015. 76 C 302 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Central bank regulation and the financial crisis : a comparative analysis / Miao Han Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 32 D 134 (Marshall Library Classmark)
China's economy : what everyone needs to know / Arthur Kroeber New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2016]. 79 BE 304 (Marshall Library Classmark)
City : London and the global power of finance / Tony Norfield London : Verso, 2016. 34 F 207 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Complete guide to referencing and avoiding plagiarism / Colin Neville Third edition. London : Open University Press, [2016]. 110 A 77c (Marshall Library Classmark)
Contemporary british politics and government / Phil Cocker and Alistair Jones Great Shelford : Cambridge Academic, [2015]. 76 C 301d (Marshall Library Classmark)
Contemporary issues in macroeconomics : lessons from the crisis and beyond / International Economic Association Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 29 A 300 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Crossing the chasm / Geoffrey Moore Second edition. Oxford : Capstone, 1998. 22 D 114b (Marshall Library Classmark)
Debating democratization in Myanmar / Myanmar/ Burma Conference Singapore : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies ; 2014. 90 G 170 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Development economics : theory and practice / Alain De Janvry London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016. 90 A 499 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Developmental psychology and early childhood education : a guide for students and practitioners / David Whitebread London : Sage Publications, 2012. 40 B 17 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Disciplined entrepreneurship : 24 steps to a successful startup / Bill Aulet Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, [2013]. 22 D 112 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Distinguished women economists / James Cicarelli Westport, Connecticut ; London : Greenwood Press, [2003]. 13 C 149 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Ecnomic crisis and governance in the European Union : a critical assessment / London : Routledge, 2016. 73 GB 57 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Economic Forecasting / Graham Elliott Princeton, New Jersey ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, [2016]. 29 CH 3 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean / United Nations New York, N.Y. : United Nations, 1973- 78 A 205 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Emissions trading as a policy instrument : evaluation and prospects / edited by Marc Gronwald and Beat Hintermann Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London : MIT Press, [2015]. 1 D 114 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Empirical asset pricing : the cross section of stock returns / Turan Bali Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, [2016]. 34 F 208 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Entrepreneurship and small business : start-up, growth and maturity / Paul Burns Fourth edition. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 22 D 110d (Marshall Library Classmark)
Environmental and natural resources economics : theory, policy, and the sustainable society / Steven Hackett London : Routledge, 2015. 1 E 203d (Marshall Library Classmark)
Europe's financial crisis : a short guide to how the Euro fell into crisis and the consequences for the world / John Authers Uppper Saddle River, New Jersey : Financial Times Prentice, [2012]. 31 D 258 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Fed power : how finance wins / Lawrence Jacobs New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2016]. 32 C 138 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Federal Reserve's role in the global economy : a historical perspective / edited by Michael D. Bordo and Mark Wynne Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2016. 32 C 137 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Finance and economics discussion series : constituencies and legislation; the fight over the McFadden Act of 1927 / Rodney Ramcharan [Place of publication not identified] : Bibliogov, [2013]. PAMPHLET 32 C 140 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Frames of mind : the theory of multiple intelligences / Howard Gardner New York : Basic Books, [2011]. 40 A 45 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Genghis Khan guide to business : cash flow handbook / Brian Warnes London : Osmosis, 1985. PAMPHLET 22 C 99 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Great persuasion : reinventing free markets since the Depression / Angus Burgin Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 2012. 60 B 211 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Handbook of discrete-valued time series / edited by Richard Davis, Scott Holan, Robert Lund and Nalini Ravishanker Boca Raton, Florida ; London : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, [2016]. 70 E 158 (Marshall Library Classmark)
History of Germany, 1918-2014 : the divided nation / Mary Fulbrook Fourth edition. Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2015. 74 B 123d (Marshall Library Classmark)
How to multiply your baby's intelligence : the gentle revolution / Glenn Doman Garden City Park, New York : Square One Publishers, [2005]. 40 B 14 (Marshall Library Classmark)
How to teach your baby to be physically superb : birth to age six / Glenn Doman Garden City Park, New York : SquareOne, [2006]. 40 B 16 (Marshall Library Classmark)
How to teach your baby to swim / Douglas Doman Garden City Park, New York : Square One, [2006]. 40 B 15 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Importance of being little : what preschoolers really need from grownups / Erika Christakis New York : Viking, [2016]. 40 B 18 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Lean startup : how constant innovation creates radically successful businesses / Erick Ries London : Portfolio Penguin, 2011. 22 D 111 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Liquidity lost : the governance of the global financial crisis / Paul Langley Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016. 33 F 326 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Losing my virginity : the autobiography / Richard Branson London : Virgin Books, 2009. 12 B 37 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Marketing research : tools & techniques / Nigel Bradley Third edition. Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2013]. 110 A 123d (Marshall Library Classmark)
Mathematical foundations of infinite-dimensional statistical models / Evarist Gine Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2016. 70 A 308 (Marshall Library Classmark)
New business road test : what entrepreneurs and executives should do before launching a lean start-up / Joh Mullins Fourth edition. Harlow : Pearson, 2013. 22 D 109d (Marshall Library Classmark)
Non-cooperative game theory / Takako Fujiwara-Greve Tokyo ; London : Springer, [2015]. 70 F 294 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Only game in town : central banks, instability, and avoiding the next collapse / Mohamed A. El-Erian New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, [2016]. 32 C 136 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Oxford handbook of banking and financial history / edited by Youssef Cassis, Richard Grossman and Catherine Schenk Oxford : Oxford University Press [2016]. 32 A 96 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Oxford handbook of the political economy of international trade / edited by Lisa Martin Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2015]. 83 A 271 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Pioneers in development / edited by Gerald M. Meier and Dudley Seers New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press for the World Bank, 1984. 90 G 23:1 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Power of a single number : a political history of GDP / Philipp Lepenies New York : Columbia University Press, [2016]. 18 D 100 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Progress and confusion : the state of macroeconomic policy / edited by Oliver Blanchard, Raghuram Rajan, Kenneth Rogoff and Lawrence Summers Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London : The MIT Press, [2016]. 29 A 301 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Public wealth of nations : how management of public assets can boost or bust economic growth / Dag Detter New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. 28 AB 55 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Pursuit of development : economic growth, social change, and ideas / Ian Goldin Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016. 90 A 500 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Refreshingly simple finance for small business : a straight-talking guide to finance and accounting / Emily Coltman Petersfield, Hampshire : Enterprise Nation, 2013. 22 D 117 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Reinventing development economics : explorations from the Indian experiment / N.A. Mujumdar New Delhi, India : Academic Foundation, 2014. 80 BE 300 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Rejuvenation of political economy / edited by Nobuharu Yokokawa, Yokokawa Yagi, Hiroyasu Uemura and Richard Westra London : Routledge, 2016. 11 D 83 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Research in economic history / Christopher Hanes and Susan Wolcott Bingley : Emerald Publishing, 2015. 72 A 71:1:2015 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Show me the money : how to find the cash to get your business off the ground / Alan Barrell, David Gill and Martin Rigby Second edition. London : Elliott and Thompson, 2015. 22 D 116b (Marshall Library Classmark)
Smart entrepreneur : how to build for a successful business / Bart Clarysse London : Elliott & Thompson, 2011. 22 D 113 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Spd rdng : the speed reading bible : 37 techniques, tips and strategies for ultra fast reading / Susan Norman Version 34. Wheathampstead, Herts : Saffire Press, 2016. 110 A 124 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Stabilising capitalism : a greater role for central banks / Pierluigi Ciocca Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 32 C 139 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Startup owner's manual /Steven Blank Pescadero : K & S Ranch, [2012]. 22 D 115 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Storage and commodity markets / Jeffrey Williams Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1991. 83 C 120 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Systemic risk, crises, and macroprudential regulation / Xavier Freixas Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : MIT Press, [2015]. 32 D 133 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Theory and practice in child psychoanalysis : an introduction to the work of Francoise Dolto / edited by Guy Hall, Francoise Hivernel and Sian Morgan London : Karnac Books, 2009. 92 EA 2 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Towards a general theory of deep downturns : presidential address from the 17th World Congress of the International Economic Association in 2014 / Joseph Stiglitz Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 33 F 329 (Marshall Library Classmark)
UK regional-national economic problem : geography, globalisation and governance / Philip McCann London : Routledge, 2016. 76 B 125 (Marshall Library Classmark)
UKIP : inside the campaign to redraw the map of British politics / Matthew Goodwin Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015. 76 C 303 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Understanding global crises : an emerging paradigm / Assaf Razin Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London : The MIT Press, [2014]. 33 F 327 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Vampire economy : doing business under fascism / Gunter Reimann [Auburn, Alabama] : Mises Institute, [©1939]. 74 B 167 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Why save the bankers? : and other essays on our economic and political crisis / Thomas Piketty Boston, Massachusetts : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2016. 33 F 325 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Why the Tories won : the inside story of the 2015 election / Tim Ross London : Biteback Publishing, 2015. 76 C 304 (Marshall Library Classmark)
World development indicators / World Bank Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 1978- 90 A 423 (Marshall Library Classmark)