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America's assembly line / David Nye Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press, [2013]. 77 D 51 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Arbitrage theory in continuous time / Tomas Bjork 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. 70 E 90c (Marshall Library Classmark)

Asia-Africa development divergence : a question of intent / David Henley London : Zed Books, 2015. 79 DE 65 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Bank liquidity creation and financial crises / Allen Berger Amsterdam : Elsevier, [2016]. 32 B 92 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Battle for employment guarantee / edited by Reetika Khera New Delhi ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011. 80 BC 36 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Bayesian data analysis / Andrew Gelman Third edition. Boca Raton, Florida ; London : CRC Press, 2014. 70 D 113c (Marshall Library Classmark)

Behavioral economics : a history / Floris Heukelom Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015. 16 H 39 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Behavioral finance : psychology, decision-making, and markets / Lucy F. Ackert Mason, Ohio : South-Western Cengage Learning, [2010]. 16 H 40 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Behind the model : a constructive critique of economic modeling / Peter Spiegler Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015. 70 D 253 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Big short : inside the doomsday machine / Michael Lewis London : Penguin, 2011. 34 F 204 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Bigness complex : industry, labor, and government in the American economy / Walter Adams Second edition. Stanford, California : Stanford University Press , 2004. 77 D 48b (Marshall Library Classmark)

Butterfly defect : how globalization creates systemic risks, and what to do about it / Ian Goldin and Mike Mariathasan Princeton, New Jersey ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, [2014]. 84 B 390 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Challenging Southeast Asian development : the shadows of success / Jonathan Rigg London : Routledge, 2016. 79 DE 66 (Marshall Library Classmark)

China and East Asia : after the Wall Street crisis / edited by Lam Peng Er, Qin Yaqing and Yang Mu New Jersey ; London : World Scientific, [2013]. 79 BE 302 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Cities, slums and gender in the global south : towards a feminised urban future / Sylvia Chant London : Routledge, 2016. 90 O 53 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Contemporary strategy analysis : text and cases / Robert M. Grant Ninth edition. Chichester : John Wiley, [2016]. 22 E 114i (Marshall Library Classmark)

Cradle to cradle : remaking the way we make things / William McDonough New York : North Point Press, 2002. 1 E 202 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Currencies, commodities and consumption / Kenneth Clements Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013. 26 G 78 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Digital dividends / The World Bank Washington, D.C. : World Bank, [2016]. 90 A 355:2016 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Discipline and punish : the birth of the prison / Michel Foucault London : Allen Lane, 1977. 93 B 63 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Dynamic economic analysis : deterministic models in discrete time / Gerhard Sorger Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015. 70 D 251 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Economics : current and future developments / Takashi Yasuoka Sharjah, United Arab Emerites : Bentham Science Publishers, [2015]. 31 B 96 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Economist in the real world : the art of policymaking in India / Kaushik Basu Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London : MIT Press, [2015]. 80 BE 299 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Entrepreneur revolution : how to develop your entrepreneurial mindset and start a business that works / Daniel Priestley Chichester : Capstone, [2013]. 22 D 108 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Essentials of banking / Deborah Dilley Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, [2008]. 32 B 90 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Euro experiment / Paul Wallace Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2016. 31 D 257 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Europe and world trade / Klaus Heidensohn London : Pinter, 1995. 73 GB 56 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Exit from globalization / Richard Westra London : Routledge, [2016]. 84 B 391 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Fabrication of social order : a critical theory of police power / Mark Neocleous London : Pluto, 2000. 93 F 59 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Few hares to chase : the economic life and times of Bill Phillips / Alan Bollard Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2016. 12 B 36 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Financial crises and the politics of macroeconomic adjustments / Stefanie Walter Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015. 29 CA 31 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Financial markets and institutions : a European perspective / Jakob de Haan Third Edition. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, [2015]. 33 G 34c (Marshall Library Classmark)

Financial modeling / Simon Benninga Fourth edition. Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London : The MIT Press, [2014]. 34 H 7d (Marshall Library Classmark)

Flash boys : cracking the money code / Michael Lewis London : Penguin, [2015]. 33 G 40 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Gender, asset accumulation and just cities : pathways to transformation / edited by Caroline Moser London : Routledge, 2016. 90 O 54 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Gender, mobilities, and livelihood transformations : comparing indigenous people in China, India, and Laos / edited by Ragnhild Lund, Kyoko Kusakabe, Smita Mishra Panda, and Yunxian Wang London : Routledge, [2015]. 92 DB 143 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Global finance in emerging market economies / Todd A. Knoop London : Routledge, 2014. 90 E 137 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Global production networks : theorizing economic development in an interconnected world / Neil M. Coe and Henry Wai-Chung Yeung. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015. 84 A 193 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Globalization and development : country experiences / edited by Shigeru Thomas Otsubo London : Routledge, 2016. 90 A 497:1 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Globalization and development : rethinking interventions and governance / edited by Arne Bigsten London : Routledge, 2013. 90 A 498 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Globalization of inequality / Francois Bourguignon Princeton, New Jersey ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, [2015]. 84 B 386 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Handbook of choice modelling / edited by Stephane Hess and Andrew Daly Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, [2014]. 70 D 252 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Historical ecology : cultural knowledge and changing landscapes / edited by Carole L. Crumley Santa Fe, New Mexico : School of American Research Press, [1994]. 1 A 121 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Hubris : why economists failed to predict the crisis and how to avoid the next one / Meghnad Desai New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, [2015]. 33 F 323 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Human development report 2015 : work for human development / United Nations Development Programme New York : United Nations Development Programme, [2015]. 90 A 343:2015 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Industrial structure, capital markets and the origins of British economic decline / William P. Kennedy Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1987. 75 B 41 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Introduction to Stata programming / Christopher Baum Second edition. College Station, Texas : StataCorp LP, [2016]. 70 HA 14b (Marshall Library Classmark)

Labor economics / George Borjas Seventh edition. New York : McGraw-Hill Education, [2016]. 63 A 135g (Marshall Library Classmark)

Land and Freedom : the MST, the Zapatistas and peasant alternatives to neoliberalism / Leandro Vergara-Camus London : Zed Books, 2014. 98 D 95 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Long memory in economics / edited by Gilles Teyssiere and Alan Kirman Berlin ; London : Springer, [2010]. 70 E 156 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Making failure feasible : how bankruptcy reform can end "too big to fail" / edited by Kenneth E. Scott, Thomas H. Jackson and John B. Taylor Stanford, California : Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, [2015]. 32 B 91 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Markets and development : civil society, citizens and the politics of neoliberalism / Toby Carroll and Darryl S. L. Jarvis London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016. 90 M 34 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Mastering "metrics" : the path from cause to effect / Joshua Angrist Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [2014]. 70 C 417 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Mathematica® : a problem-centered approach / Roozbeh Hazrat Second edition. Cham : Springer, 2015. 70 HB 15b (Marshall Library Classmark)

Metamorphosis : studies in social and political change in Myanmar / edited by Renaud Egreteau and Francois Robinne Singapore : Published by NUS Press in association with Research Institute on Contemporary Southeast Asia, [2016]. 90 G 169 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Microeconometrics and MATLAB© : an introduction / Abi Adams First edition. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015. 70 HD 33 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Microeconomics / David Besanko Fifth edition, International student version / with contributions from Katharine Rockett. Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley India, [2015]. 17 A 72e (Marshall Library Classmark)

Microeconomics / Jeffrey Perloff Seventh edition. Harlow : Pearson Education, [2015]. 17 A 55g (Marshall Library Classmark)

Microeconomics / Paul Krugman Fourth edition. New York : Worth Publishers, [2015]. 17 A 129d (Marshall Library Classmark)

New introduction to geographical economics / Steven Brakman 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009. 4 A 12b (Marshall Library Classmark)

Origin of capitalism : a longer view / Ellen Meiksins Wood [New ed.] London : Verso, 2002. 60 B 142 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Post-Keynesian essays from Down Under : theory and policy in an historical context / Joseph Halevi Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 29 BB 153 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Power and independence of the Federal Reserve / Peter Conti-Brown Princeton, New Jersey ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, [2016]. 32 C 135 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Pricing carbon : the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme / A. Denny Ellerman Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010. 1 D 102 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Psychology of risk / Glynis Breakwell Second edition. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014. 16 H 38b (Marshall Library Classmark)

Real estate finance in India / Prashant Das Thousand Oaks ; London : SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd, 2014. 80 BE 298 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Realising the demographic dividend : policies to achieve inclusive growth in India / Santosh Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2016. 80 BE 297 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Repeated games / Jean-Francoise Mertens Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015. 70 F 292 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Resources, production and structural dynamics / edited by Mauro L. Baranzini, Claudia Rotondi and Roberto Scazzieri Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015. 23 AA 7 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Rethinking housing bubbles : the role of household and bank balance sheets in modeling economic cycles / Steven Gjerstad Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014. 33 F 322 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Revealed preference theory / Christopher Chambers Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2016. 70 D 250 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Social panorama of Latin America / United Nations. Economic Commission for Latin America Santiago, Chile : United Nations, 2013. 78 A 218 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Solutions manual to accompany Contract theory / Arthur Campbell Cambridge, Massachusetts : MIT Press, [2007]. 20 G 50:1 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Statistics of financial markets : an introduction Jurgen Franke Fourth edition. Berlin : Springer, [2015]. 34 H 61d (Marshall Library Classmark)

Strategic trade policy and the new international economics / edited by Paul R. Krugman Cambridge, Mass. ; London : MIT Press, c1986. 77 C 44 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Surviving globalization? : perspectives for the German economic model / edited by Stefan Beck, Frank Klobes and Chrstoph Scherrer Dordrecht : Springer, [2005]. 74 B 164 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Testing macroeconometric models / Ray Fair Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 1994. 29 B 56 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Time series analysis : forecasting and control / George Box Fifth edition Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, [2016]. 70 E 78e (Marshall Library Classmark)

Time series models / Andrew Harvey 2nd ed. New York ; London : Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1993. 70 F 57b (Marshall Library Classmark)

Trade and development report : report by the secretariat of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development / United Nations Conference on Trade and Development New York : United Nations, 1981- 90 D 90 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Urban health : readings in the social, built, and physical environments of U.S. cities / edited by H. Patricia Hynes and Russ Sudbury, Mass. : Jones and Bartlett Publishers, [2009]. 1 C 280 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Urban sociology : a global introduction / Mark Abrahamson Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014. 90 O 55 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Whoops! : why everyone owes everyone and no one can pay / John Lancaster [New edition]. London : Penguin, 2010. 34 F 205 (Marshall Library Classmark)