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Marshall Library

Journal title Location(s) Holdings Continuation of Continues as
Abstract of Regional Statistics Basement (1965-1973) (contin. as Regional Statistics)
Advances in Austrian Economics Basement (1994-2005 imperf.)
Advances in Economic Analysis and Policy Online (2001-)
Advances in Macroeconomics Online (2001-)
Advances in theoretical economics Online (2001-)
Allied Commission for Austria Monthly Statistical Bulletin Basement (1947-1948)
American Economic Association Economic Bulletin Basement (1908-1910) (contin. as American Economic Review)
American Economic Association Quarterly Online access only (contin. of Publications of the American Economic Association) (contin. as American Economic Review)
American Economic Journal : Macroeconomics Gallery 144 (2009-)
American Economic Journal : Microeconomics Gallery 144 (2009-)
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy Gallery 144 (2009-)
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics Gallery 144 (2009-)
American Economic Review Gallery 144-145
(1911-) (contin. of American Economic Association Quarterly AND Economic Bulletin)
American Economist Basement (1987-1992 imperf.)
Annales des Sciences Economiques Appliques Basement (1950-1969)
Annali di economia Basement (1924-1939)
Annalist (The) Basement (1936-1940)
Annals of Economic and Social Measurement Basement (1972-1978 imperf.)
Annals of Mathematical Statistics Basement
Annals of Probability Gallery 145-146
(1973-2012) Annals of Mathematical Statistics
Annals of Public and Co-operative Economics Gallery 140 (High) (1989-2004) (contin. of Annals of Public and Co-operative Economy)
Annals of Public and Co-operative Economics Gallery 140 (High)
(1964-1988) (contin. of Annals of Collective Economy) (contin. as Annals of Public and Co-operative Economics)
Annals of Statistics Gallery 146
(1973-2012) Annals of Mathematical Statistics
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences Basement (1931-1976 imperf.)
Annuaire Statistique de la Belgique Basement (1938-1995 imperf.)
Annual Abstract of Foreign Trade Statistics (U.K.) Basement (1899-1911 imperf.)
Annual Abstract of Statistics (U.K.) Gallery 179
(1890- imperf.)
Annual Energy Review (U.S.A.) Basement (1987-1991)
Annual Report of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Basement (1914-1935) (contin. of Annual Report of the Federal Reserve Board) (contin. as Annual Report of the Federal Reserve System)
Annual Report of the Federal Reserve System Basement (1936-1989) (contin. of Annual Report of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System)
Annual Statement of Trade of the United Kingdom Basement (1885 - 1975)
Annuario Statistico Italiano Basement (1917/18, 1938, 1960-1990)
Antitrust Bulletin Gallery 146
Applied Economics Gallery 140 (High)
(2000-2003 imperf.)
(1969-1999 imperf.)
(1969-2003 imperf.)
Applied Economics Letters Gallery 140 (High)
(2000-2003 imperf.)
(1994 2003 imperf.)
Applied Financial Economics Gallery 140 - 141 (High) (1991-imperf.)
Archiv fur Mathematische Wirtschafts und Sozialforschung Basement (1935-1938)
Archiv fur Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik Basement (1920-1926 imperf.)
Artha Vijnana Basement (1959-2003 imperf.)
Artha-Vikas Basement
(1965-2002 imperf.)
(1965-2002 imperf.)
Asian Development Review Basement (1983-1998 imperf.)
At the Margin Gallery 147 (1993- imperf.)
Atlantic Economic Journal Basement (1987-2004 imperf.)
Ausschuss zur Unterschungung der Erzeugungs und Absatzbingunungen der Deutschen Wirtschaft Basement (1927-1931)
Aussenwirtschaft Zeitschrift für internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen Basement (1946-1970)
Australian Economic Papers Basement (1962-2004 imperf.)
Australian Journal of Statistics Basement (1959-1975 imperf.)
Auswartiger Handel Deutschland Basement (1872-1905)