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Agricultural adjustment problems in a growing economy / edited by Earl O. Heady Ames, Iowa : The Iowa State College Press, 1958. B3 A 86 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Applied microeconomic problems / Rosemary Clarke Deddington, Oxford : Philip Allan, 1985. B17 A 168 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Applied multivariate statistical analysis / Wolfgang Hardle and Leopold Simar Third edition. Berlin ; London : Springer, [2012]. 70 A 296c (Marshall Library Classmark)

Arms industry transformation and integration : the choices of East Central Europe / Oxford : Oxford University Press ; Solna, Sweden : SIPRI, 2014. 74 JA 98 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Behavioral economics / Edward Cartwright New York : Routledge, 2014. 16 H 23b (Marshall Library Classmark)

Capitalism in a mature economy : financial institutions, capital exports and British industry, 1870-1939 / edited by J.J. Van Helten and Y. Cassis London : Edward Elgar, c1990. 75 D 40 (Marshall Library Classmark)

China's emerging financial markets : challenges and opportunities / edited by James Barth, John Tatom and Glenn Yago New York ; London : Springer, 2009. 79 BE 294 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Creating a learning society : a new approach to growth, development, and social progress / Joseph Stiglitz New York : Columbia University Press, [2014]. 90 F 115 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Current readings on money, banking, and financial markets, 1988-1989 / edited by James A. Wilcox and Frederic S. Mishkin Glenview, Illinois : Scott, Foresman, [1988]. 33 A 151 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Defining democracy : voting procedures in decision-making, elections and governance / Peter Emerson Second edition. Berlin ; London : Springer, [2012]. 97 CA 45 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Dependent development : the alliance of multinational, state, and local capital in Brazil / Peter Evans Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c1979. 78 B 69 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Development economics / Debraj Ray Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c1998. 90 A 80 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Due diligence : an impertinent inquiry into microfinance / David Roodman Washington, D.C. : Center for Global Development, c2012. 32 E 149 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Economic and financial decisions under risk / Louis Eeckhoudt Princeton, N.J. ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, c2005. 20 H 21 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Economic approach to law / Paul Burrows and Cento Veljanovski London : Butterworths, 1981. B93 GA 42 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Economic growth and measurement reconsidered in Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, and Zambia, 1965-1995 / Morten Jerven Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. 90 G 162 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Economics / David Begg Eleventh edition. Maidenhead : McGraw-Hill Education, [2014]. 16 B 29k (Marshall Library Classmark)

Economics / Michael Parkin Ninth edition. Harlow : Pearson, [2014]. 16 B 77i (Marshall Library Classmark)

Economics : the user's guide / Ha-Joon Chang London : Pelican, 2014. 16 I 17 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Economics of monetary union / Paul de Grauwe Tenth edition. Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2014]. 31 D 104j (Marshall Library Classmark)

Economics of the welfare state / N. Barr 5th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, c2012. 42 A 43e (Marshall Library Classmark)

Energy, bio fuels and development : comparing Brazil and the United States / edited by Edmund Amann, Werner Baer and Donald V. Coes London : Routledge, 2011. 26 BC 26 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Foreign investment, transnationals and developing countries / Sanjaya Lall London : Macmillan, 1977. 83 B 58 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Foundations of economics / Andrew Gillespie Third edition. Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2014]. 16 A 99c (Marshall Library Classmark)

Gender and development / edited by B.N. Ghosh and Paryesh K. Chopra Leeds : Wisdom House, 2002. 90 K 71 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Guns, germs and steel : a short history of everybody for the last 13,000 years / Jared M. Diamond London : Vintage, 1998. 72 A 26 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo / edited by Steve Brooks Boca Raton, Fla. ; London : CRC Press, c2011. 70 C 415 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Handel und Produktion in der Baumwollindustrie : unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der lohnindustriellen Organisationsform / Edgar Landauer Tübingen : J.C.B. Mohr, 1912. B25 B 18 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Industrial relations : theory and practice / edited by Paul Edwards 3rd ed. Oxford : Wiley, 2010. 67 D 44c (Marshall Library Classmark)

International macroeconomics / Robert Feenstra Third edition. New York : Worth Publishers, [2014]. 29 A 272c (Marshall Library Classmark)

International production site selection / Thomas Glatte English edition. Renningen : Expert Verlag, [2013] 4 D 26 (Marshall Library Classmark)

International trade / Third edition. New York : Worth Publishers, [2014]. 83 C 114c (Marshall Library Classmark)

Introduction to game theory / Martin Osborne International ed. New York ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. 70 F 238 Inter (Marshall Library Classmark)

Introductory econometrics : a modern approach / Jeffrey Wooldridge 5th ed., international. [s.l.] : South-Western CENGAGE Learning, c2013. 70 C 111e (Marshall Library Classmark)

Iran encountering globalization : problems and prospects / edited by Ali Mohammadi London : Routledge, 2003. 74 Q 57 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Jordanian labor market in the new millennium / edited by Ragui Assaad Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. 74 Q 58 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Law and economics : an institutional perspective / Warren J. Samuels Boston, Massachusetts ; London : Nijhoff, [1981]. B93 GA 41 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Least developed countries report 2013 : growth with employment for inclusive and sustainable development / United Nations Conference on Trade and Development New York : United Nations, 2013. 83 B 125:2013 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Macroeconomics / Gregory Mankiw Second European edition. New York : Worth Publishers, [2014.] 29 A 104f 2nd Euro (Marshall Library Classmark)

Macroeconomics / Stephen Williamson Fifth edition, International edition. Harlow : Pearson, [2014] 29 A 84e (Marshall Library Classmark)

Managing risk and opportunity : the governance of strategic risk-taking / Torben Andersen Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. 20 H 38 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Microeconomics : principles and analysis / Frank Cowell Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006. 17 A 143 (Marshall Library Classmark)

New theories of the multinational enterprise / A. Rugman London, 1983. 34 B 61 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Non-governmental organizations and the state in Latin America : rethinking roles in sustainable agricultural development / Anthony Bebbington London : Routledge, 1993. 90 N 14 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Options, futures, and other derivatives / John Hull Ninth edition. Boston, Massachusetts ; London : Pearson, [2014?]. 34 E 42i (Marshall Library Classmark)

Overseas aid : its defence and reform / Paul Mosley Brighton : Wheatsheaf, 1987. 90 C 147 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Political economy of collective decision-making : conflicts and coalitions in the Council of the European Union / Tim Veen New York : Springer, [2011]. 73 GC 99 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Probability with martingales / David Williams Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1991. 70 B 56 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Proceedings of the second Seattle Symposium in Biostatistics : analysis of correlated data / edited by D.Y. Lin and P.J. Heagerty New York : Springer, 2004. 70 A 295 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Redistribution with growth : policies to improve income distribution in developing countries in the context of economic growth / Hollis Chenery Oxford : O.U.P. for the World Bank and the Institute of Development Studies, 1974. 19 H 29 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Rise and decline of nations : economic growth, stagflation and social rigidities / Mancur Olson New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, c1982. 90 E 41 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Rural development in China / Dwight Perkins Baltimore : Published for the World Bank [by] Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984. 79 BE 173 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Social ethics and normative economics : essays in honour of Serge-Christophe Kolm / edited by Marc Fleurbaey, Maurice Salles and John Weymark Berlin ; London : Springer, [2011]. 18 D 97 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Strategy of economic development / Albert Hirschman New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, c1958. 90 A 304 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Structural adjustment & agriculture : theory and practice in Africa & Latin America / edited by Simon Commander London : Overseas Development Institute : Heinemann, 1989. 90 I 11 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Theory of capitalist development : principles of Marxian political economy / Paul Sweezy New York : Monthly Review Press, 1942. 97 FB 6 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Urban livelihoods : a people-centred approach to reducing poverty / edited by Carole Rakodi with Tony Lloyd-Jones London : Earthscan, 2002. 90 L 12 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Who needs credit? : poverty and finance in Bangladesh / edited by Geoffrey D. Wood London : Zed Books, 1997. 32 E 95 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Why growth matters : how economic growth in India reduced poverty and the lessons for other developing countries / Jagdish Bhagwati New York : Public Affairs, c2013. 80 BE 261 (Marshall Library Classmark)