Alleviating global poverty : the role of private enterprise / Lewis Solomon [Washington, D.C. : Lewis D. Solomon, 2015]. 90 L 59 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Banking crisis handbook / edited by Greg N. Mankiw Boca Raton, Florida ; London : CRC Press, [2010]. 33 F 317 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Beyond the monetarists : post-Keynesian alternatives to rampant inflation, low growth and high unemployment / edited by David Crane Ottawa : Canadian Institute for Economic Policy, [1981]. 29 BB 151 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Big data : a revolution that will transform how we live, work and think / Viktor Mayer-Schonberger and Kenneth Cukier London : John Murray, 2013. 100 C 4 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Big data : using smart big data, analytics and metrics to make better decisions and improve performance / Bernard Marr Chichester ; Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, 2015. 70 G 88 (Marshall Library Classmark)
British General Strike 1926 / Margaret Morris London : Historical Association, 1973. PAMPHLET 66 B 84 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Companion to American thought / edited by Richard Wightman Fox and James T. Kloppenberg Oxford : Blackwell, 1995. 97 A 88 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Consensus politics from Attlee to Major / Dennis Kavanagh 2nd ed. Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1994. 76 C 142b (Marshall Library Classmark)
Econometrics of financial markets / John Y. Campbell Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1997. 34 F 79 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Europe can afford to work : strategies for growth and employment in the European Community / Francis Cripps Nottingham : Spokesman, 1993. PAMPHLET 73 GC 102 (Marshall Library Classmark)
European recovery programme : restoring full employment / edited by Ken Coates and Michael Barratt Brown Nottingham, England : Spokesman : For European Labour Forum, 1993. PAMPHLET 73 GC 101 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Forces of compassion : humanitarianism between ethics and politics / edited by Erica Bornstein and Peter Redfield Santa Fe, New Mexico : School for Advanced Research Press, [2010]. 99 E 36 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Freedom from poverty as a human right : who owes what to the very poor? / edited by Thomas Pogge Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007. 90 L 58 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Global poverty : global governance and poor people in the post-2015 era / David Hulme Second edition. London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015. 90 L 57b (Marshall Library Classmark)
Global shift : mapping the changing contours of the world economy / Peter Dicken Seventh edition. Los Angeles, California ; London : SAGE, 2015. 84 B 243g (Marshall Library Classmark)
How economics forgot history : the problem of historical specificity in social science / Geoffrey Hodgson London : Routledge, 2001. 10 C 106 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Idea of justice / Amartya Sen London : Penguin, 2010. 18 G 42 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Industrial relations : theory and practice / edited by Trevor Colling and Michael Terry 3rd ed. Oxford : Wiley, 2010. 67 D 44c (Marshall Library Classmark)
Inequality and the global economic crisis / Douglas Dowd London : Pluto Press, 2009. 19 H 167 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Information rules : a strategic guide to the network economy / Carl Shapiro Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business School Press, 1999. 22 B 145 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Institutional economics : an introduction / John Groenewegen Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 16 D 90 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Introducing employment relations : a critical approach / Steve Williams Third edition. Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2014] 67 A 119c (Marshall Library Classmark)
Introduction to modern economic growth / Daron Acemoglu Princeton, N.J. ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, 2009. 29 AA 27 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Introduction to tropical agriculture / Harold Tempany London : Longmans, Green, 1958. 90 I 192 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Macroeconomics / Gregory Mankiw Second European edition. New York : Worth Publishers, [2014.] 29 A 104f 2nd Euro (Marshall Library Classmark)
Macroeconomics / Stephen Williamson Fifth edition, International edition. Harlow : Pearson, [2014] 29 A 84e (Marshall Library Classmark)
Migrant capital : networks, identities and strategies / edited by Louise Ryan, Umet Erel and Alessio D'Angelo Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. 92 DB 137 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Mostly harmless econometrics : an empiricist's companion / Joshua David Angrist Princeton, N.J. ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, c2009. 70 C 371 (Marshall Library Classmark)
New Labour experiment : change and reform under Blair and Brown / Florence Faucher-King Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 2010. 76 C 257 (Marshall Library Classmark)
New Labour in power / edited by David Coates and Peter Lawler Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2000. 76 C 123 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Options, futures and other derivatives / John C. Hull 8th ed., Global ed. Boston, Mass. ; London : Pearson, c2012. 34 E 42h Global (Marshall Library Classmark)
Patients of the state : the politics of waiting in Argentina / Javier Auyero Durham, North Carolina : Duke University Press, [2012]. 78 D 24 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Peaceful conquest / Sidney Pollard Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1981. 73 E 38 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Poor law in nineteenth-century England and Wales / Anne Digby London : Historical Association, [1982]. PAMPHLET 75 B 207 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Price stability and full employment : a neo-Keynesian policy for growth without inflation / R.A. Rayman London : PEP, [1975]. PAMPHLET 29 BB 152 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Recursive macroeconomic theory / Lars Ljungqvist 3rd ed. Cambridge, Mass. ; London : MIT Press, c2012. 29 A 220c (Marshall Library Classmark)
Regional inequality and industrial structure in Japan : 1874-2008 / Kyoji Fukao, Jean-Pascal Bassino, Tatsuji Makino, Ralph Paprzycki, Tokihiko Settsu, Masanori Takashima and Joji Tokui Tokyo : Maruzen Publishing Co., Ltd., [2015]. 79 CE 165 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Reordering of British politics : politics after Thatcher / Dennis Kavanagh Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1997. 76 C 121b (Marshall Library Classmark)
Rights and wrongs of children's work / M.F.C. Bourdillon New Brunswick, N.J. ; London : Rutgers University Press, 2010. 90 K 17 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Socially responsible finance and investing : financial institutions, corporations, investors, and activists / edited by H. Kent Baker and John Nofsinger Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, [2012]. 34 D 121 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Sustainable management of water resources : an integrated approach / edited by Carlo Giupponi, Anthony J. Jakeman, Derek Karssenberg and Matt P. Hare Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, [2006]. 1 E 183 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Thinking peasant : popular and educated belief in pre-industrial culture / Christina Larner Glasgow : Pressgang, [1982]. PAMPHLET 93 E 34 (Marshall Library Classmark)
Work-ins, sit-ins and industrial democracy : the implications of factory occupations in Great Britain in the Early 'seventies / Ken Coates Nottingham : Spokesman, 1981. 67 A 120 (Marshall Library Classmark)
WTO domestic regulation and services trade : putting principles into practice / edited by Aik Hoe Lim and Bart De Meester Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014. 83 A 269 (Marshall Library Classmark)