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Agricultural development possibilities in Bangladesh / H. Brammer Dhaka : University Press Limited, 1997. 80 DC 14 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Analytics of uncertainty and information / Sushil Bikchandani Second Edition. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013. 20 G 43b (Marshall Library Classmark)

Basic statistics : understanding conventional methods and modern insights / Rand R. Wicox Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2009]. 70 A 292 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Building a community-controlled economy : the Evangeline co-operative experience / Paul Wilkinson Toronto ; London : University of Toronto Press, [1996]. 90 G 161 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Capabilities, gender, equality : towards fundamental entitlements / edited by Flavio Comim and Martha C. Nussbaum Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014. 90 B 265 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Capital investment in Africa : its course and effects / Herbert Frankel London : Oxford University Press, 1938. B91 F 6 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Classes / Erik Olin Wright London : Verso, 1997 92 F 78 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Communism and development / Robert Bideleux London : Methuen, 1985. 90 M 27 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Conduct of war : an introduction to modern warfare / Samuel B. Payne Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1988. 101 A 28 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Coping with city growth during the British Industrial Revolution / Jeffrey Williamson Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1990. 75 B 200 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Cost-benefit analysis : concepts and practice / Anthony E. Boardman Fourth edition, Pearson new international edition. Harlow : Pearson Education, [2013] 18 E 76d Inter (Marshall Library Classmark)

Crisis and Change in the Japanese Financial System / edited by Takeo Hoshi and Hugh Patrick Boston, Massachusetts : Springer, 2000. 79 CE 164 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Culture, class, distinction / Tony Bennett London : Routledge, 2009. 92 F 79 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Development and change in Basudha : study of a West Bengal village / edited by Ajit K. Danda Hyderabad : National Institute of Community Development, 1971. B90 I 153 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Development from above or below? : the dialectics of regional planning in developing countries / edited by Walter B. Stohr and D.R. Fraser Taylor Chichester, Sussex : Wiley, 1981. 90 A 471 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Development gap : a spatial analysis of world poverty and inequality / John Cole Chichester : Wiley, 1981. 90 L 52 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics : and sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll / Andy Field Fourth edition. Los Angeles : Sage, [2013]. 70 HL 6d (Marshall Library Classmark)

Discrete choice methods with simulation / Kenneth Train Second Edition. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009. 70 F 208b (Marshall Library Classmark)

Econometric models and economic forecasts / Robert S. Pindyck Fourth edition. New York : Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1998. 70 C 216d (Marshall Library Classmark)

Economic development / Michael Todaro 11th ed. Harlow : Addison Wesley, 2011. 90 A 207k (Marshall Library Classmark)

Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean / United Nations New York, N.Y. : United Nations, 1973- 78 A 205 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Economics of education : human capital, family background and inequality / Daniele Checchi Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006. 42 A 65 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Economics of financial markets / Roy Bailey Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2005. 33 A 99 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Endangered lives : public health in Victorian Britain / Anthony Wohl London : Methuen, c1983. 75 B 199 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Essential mathematics for economic analysis / Knut Sydsaeter 4th ed. Harlow : Pearson, 2012. 70 B 110d (Marshall Library Classmark)

Essentials of econophysics modelling / Frantisek Slanina First edition. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. 70 D 243 (Marshall Library Classmark)

First knowledge economy : human capital and the European economy, 1750-1850 / Margaret Jacob Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014. 73 C 32 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Flash boys : cracking the money code / Michael Lewis London : Allen Lane, [2014]. 33 G 40 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Global poverty : how global governance is failing the poor / David Hulme Abingdon : Routledge, 2010. 90 L 51 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Government, governance and welfare reform : structural changes and subsidiarity in Italy and Britain / edited by Alberto Brugnoli and Alessandro Colombo Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, [2012]. 42 A 156 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Hard heads, soft hearts : tough-minded economics for a just society / Alan S. Blinder Reading, Massachusetts : Addison-Wesley, [1987]. 11 B 88 (Marshall Library Classmark)

How welfare states shape the democratic public : policy feedback, participation, voting, and attitudes / edited by Steffan Kumlin and Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, [2014]. 98 E 58 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Improving survey questions : design and evaluation / Floyd Fowler Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, 1995. 110 A 94 (Marshall Library Classmark)

International finance / Keith Pilbeam 4th ed. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. 33 H 1d (Marshall Library Classmark)

International money : post-war trends and theories / Paul de Grauwe 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1996. 33 B 82b (Marshall Library Classmark)

Internet and democracy in global perspective : voters, candidates, parties, and social movements / edited by Bernard Grofman, Alexander H. Treschel and Mark Franklin Berlin : Springer, [2014]. 93 I 23 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Introduction to econometrics / James H. Stock 3rd ed., international. Harlow : Pearson Education, c2012. 70 C 113c (Marshall Library Classmark)

Lions, donkeys and dinosaurs : waste and blundering in the Armed Forces / Lewis Page London : William Heinemann, 2006. 101 A 27 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Managing democracies in turbulent times : trust, performance, and governance in modern states / Eran Vigoda-Gadot Berlin : Springer, [2014]. 98 E 57 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Mathematics for economists : an introductory textbook / Malcolm Pemberton 3rd ed. Manchester : Manchester University Press, c2011. 70 B 90c (Marshall Library Classmark)

Measures for manufacturing excellence / edited by Robert S. Kaplan Boston, Massachusetts : Harvard Business School Press, [1990]. B22 G 50 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Merchants of grain / Dan Morgan London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson, [1979]. 26 FD 52 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Microeconomic theory : basic principles and extensions / Christopher Snyder Eleventh edition. [Mason, Ohio?] : South-Western Cengage Learning, 2012. 17 A 87k (Marshall Library Classmark)

Monetary policy of the ECB, 2011 / European Central Bank Frankfurt am Main : European Central Bank, [2011]. 31 D 96:2011 (Marshall Library Classmark)

One nation in the world : a new foreign policy for the left / edited by Marcus Roberts and Ulrich Storck London : Fabian Society, 2013. PAMPHLET 76 A 70 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Our London : the capital beyond 2015 / edited by Sadiq Khan London : Fabian Society, 2013. PAMPHLET 76 A 71 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Party governance and party democracy : festschrift to Kaare Strom / edited by Wolfgang C. Muller and Marthe Narud New York : Springer, [2013]. 98 D 88 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Political economy of taxation : lessons from developing countries / Paola Profeta Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, [2010]. 28 C 218 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Political economy of the world trading system : the WTO and beyond / Bernard M. Hoekman 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. 83 C 77c (Marshall Library Classmark)

Power in the 21st century : international security and international political economy in a changing world / edited by Enrico Fels, Jan-Frederick Kremer and Katharina Kronenberg Berlin ; London : Springer, [2012]. 99 A 81 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Property and politics, 1870-1914 : landownership, law, ideology and urban development in England / Avner Offer Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1981. 75 B 201 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Rural development in tropical Africa / edited by Judith Heyer, Pepe Roberts and Gavin Williams London : Macmillan, 1981. 90 I 152 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Sharing lives, dividing assets : an inter-disciplinary study / edited by Joanna Miles and Rebecca Probert Oxford : Hart, 2009. 93 GA 38 (Marshall Library Classmark)

SPSS survival manual : a step by step guide to data analysis using SPSS / Julie Pallant 5th edition. Maidenhead : McGraw Hill/Open University Press, 2013. 70 HL 3e (Marshall Library Classmark)

Taxing women / EdwardJ. McCaffery Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1997. 28 C 217 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Thai capital : after the 1997 crisis / edited by Pasuk Phongpaichit and Chris Baker Pasir Panjang, Singapore : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2008. 79 H 9 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Towards a political economy of urbanization in Third World countries / edited by Helen I. Safa. Delhi : Oxford University Press, 1982 90 O 23 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Towards social adjustment : labour market issues in structural adjustment / edited by Guy Standing and Victor Tokman Geneva : International Labour Office, 1991. 63 B 127 (Marshall Library Classmark)

U.S. multiregional input-output accounts and model / Karen R. Polenske Lexington, Massachusetts : Lexington Books, [1980]. B77 B 173 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Urbanization process in the Third World : explorations in search of a theory / T.G. McGee London : Bell, [1971]. 90 O 22 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Waning of major war : theories and debates / edited by Raimo Vayrynen London : Routledge, 2006. 101 A 29 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Women, work and values : contradictions in the prevailing notions and the realities of women's lives in rural Bangladesh / Zarina Rahman Khan Dhaka : Centre for Social Studies, 1992. 90 K 67 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Zucker im Leben der Völker : Eine Kultur- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Jakob Baxa Berlin : Dr. Albert Bartens, 1967. B26 FD 48 (Marshall Library Classmark)