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Asset price dynamics, volatility, and prediction / Stephen Taylor Princeton, N.J. ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, c2005. 34 H 76 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Basic statistics : understanding conventional methods and modern insights / Rand Wilcox Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2009]. 70 A 292 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Capital budgeting decision : economic analysis of investment projects / Harold Bierman Ninth edition. New York ; London : Routledge, [2007]. 34 D 98i (Marshall Library Classmark)

Children and housing : law and practice in the management of social housing / Josephine Henderson London : Lemos & Crane, 2000. 5 A 137 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Corporate finance / David Hilier Second European edition. London : McGraw-Hill Higher Education, [2013]. 34 C 140b (Marshall Library Classmark)

Econometric analysis / William Greene 7th ed., International ed. Harlow : Pearson Education, 2011. 70 C 112g (Marshall Library Classmark)

Econometric modelling with time series : specification, estimation and testing / Vance Martin Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013. 70 E 151 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Economics and consumer behavior / Angus Deaton Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1980. 62 D 24 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Industrial organization : contemporary theory and empirical applications / Lynne Pepall Fifth edition. Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, [2014]. 23 A 42e (Marshall Library Classmark)

Industrialization, inequality, and economic growth / Jeffrey Williamson Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, [1997]. 90 A 481 (Marshall Library Classmark)

International economics : theory and policy / Paul Krugman Tenth edition. Boston, Massachusetts ; London : Pearson, [2014]. 84 A 168j (Marshall Library Classmark)

International monetary system and its reform / edited by Sidney Dell Amsterdam ; Oxford : North-Holland, 1987-1990. 31 F 172 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Internationalisation of capital markets and the regulatory response / edited by John Fingleton London ; Boston, Massachusetts : Graham & Trotman, 1992. 33 G 42 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Introducing employment relations : a critical approach / Steve Williams Third edition. Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2014] 67 A 119c (Marshall Library Classmark)

Introduction to statistical methods and data analysis / Lyman Ott 6th edition, International edition. Pacific Grove, California ; United Kingdom : Brooks/Cole, [2010]. 70 A 288f (Marshall Library Classmark)

Investments / Zvi Bodie Tenth edition. Maindenhead : McGraw-Hill, [2014]. 34 D 116j (Marshall Library Classmark)

Japanese economy / David Flath Third edition. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. 79 CE 38c (Marshall Library Classmark)

Macroeconomics / Gregory Mankiw Second European edition. New York : Worth Publishers, [2014.] 29 A 104f 2nd Euro (Marshall Library Classmark)

Mathematical statistics and data analysis / John Rice Third edition. Belmont, California : Cengage Learning/Brooks/Cole, [2007]. 70 A 289c (Marshall Library Classmark)

Microeconomics / H.S.E. Gravelle 3rd ed. Harlow : FT Prentice Hall, 2004. 17 A 63c (Marshall Library Classmark)

Migration in the global political economy / edited by Nicola Phillips Boulder, Colo. ; London : Lynne Rienner, 2011. 92 DB 98 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Principles of corporate finance / Richard Brealey Eleventh global edtion. Maidenhead : McGraw-Hill Education, 2014. 34 C 36k (Marshall Library Classmark)

Risk-based environmental decisions : culture and methods / Douglas Crawford-Brown New York : Springer Science, 1999. 1 F 45 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Speaking stata graphics : a collection from the stata journal / N. Cox Texas : Stata Press, 2014. 70 HA 28 (Marshall Library Classmark)

The Longman dictionary of law / Paul Richards Eighth edition. Harlow : Longman, 2011. 93 G 37 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Thinking, fast and slow / Daniel Kahneman London : Allen Lane, 2011. 20 A 114 (Marshall Library Classmark)

Time series models for business and economic forecasting / Philip Franses Second edition. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014. 70 E 82b (Marshall Library Classmark)

Undeclared work, deterrence and social norms : the case of Germany / Lars Feld Berlin ; London : Springer, 2012. 28 C 220 (Marshall Library Classmark)

World development indicators / World Bank Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 1978- 90 A 423 (Marshall Library Classmark)