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Marshall Library


Brief introduction

The pages here provide a brief introduction to a wide range of statistical resources of particular relevance to students of both Economics and Development Studies.

Statistics : United Kingdom

Provides links to all statistics and data related to the UK economy, population and society at national, regional and local levels.

Statistics : International Data

Provides links to all economic, social and development statistics available from the IMF, World Bank, IEA, OECD, UN, Eurostat, ILO and numerous other institutions.

Statistics : National Statistics Institutes

Provides links to the major national statistics institutes of Europe and North America.

Statistics : Regional organisations

Provides links to the major regional organizations of Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe.

Statistics : National Data Archives

Provides links to major national data archives in Europe, North America and beyond

Statistics : International organisations

Provides links to all the major statistics producing international organizations.

Statistics : Historical

Provides links to various sources of historical statistical data of particular interest to researchers in economic history. This includes historical national time series data and facsimile reproductions of key statistical publications such as the French Annuaire Statistique or the Statistical Abstract of the United States.