All of the electronic journal content that the University of Cambridge has access to may be accessed by searching for specific journal articles by title keyword and author in the iDiscover catalogue available here
On campus access via networked PC
If you are using a networked PC on campus - in the Faculty or in College - you will not normally need to use a password to access ejournals as you will have access by virtue of being within the cam.ac.uk IP domain.
Some PCs do, however, have private IP addresses and do not have a Cambridge domain IP. You can use the IP address checker to determine whether or not your PC's IP address is private.
On campus access via wireless
There are currently two wireless networks in Cambridge - Lapwing & eduroam - and eduroam should be used for accessing eresources and, in particular, ejournals. There are two main reasons for this:
- Many resources are only available through eduroam and not Lapwing for network security reason
- When you are away from Cambridge, and at an institution that also participates in eduroam, you will be able to connect to their eduroam service using your Cambridge eduroam credentials. This means you will be able to access most of the services you use when you are connected to the Cambridge University Data Network (CUDN)
You will need to configure your wireless device to use eduroam and further information about how to do this, and about eduroam generally, can be obtained from:
Off campus access
When off campus you will need to use a Raven username & password to access most ejournals. More assistance with off-campus access can be obtained from the following sources at the University Library :