Title | Abstract | Access Route |
British Household Panel Survey (1990-2009) | The main objectives of this survey are to further understanding of social and economic change at the individual and household level in Britain (the UK from Wave 11 onwards) and to identify, model and forecast such changes, their causes and consequences in relation to a range of socio-economic variables. It provides information on household organization, employment, accommodation, tenancy, income and wealth, housing, health, socio-economic values, residential mobility, marital and relationship history, social support, and individual and household demographics. | Unrestricted |
Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX, 1980-present) | The Consumer Expenditure Survey program consists of two surveys - the Quarterly Interview Survey and the Diary Survey - that provide information on the buying habits of America's consumers, including data on their expenditures, income, and consumer unit (families and single consumers) characteristics. The survey data are collected for the Bureau of Labor Statistics by the U.S. Census Bureau. The CEX is the only Federal survey to provide information on the complete range of consumers' expenditures and incomes, as well as the characteristics of those consumers. Importantly it is the main dataset that includes information about both consumption and wealth, which is of particular interest for those that want to study the effects of inequality. | Unrestricted |
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 and 1997 | These are produced by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and are intended to document the transition from school to work and adulthood. They collect extensive information about youth's labor market behaviour and educational experiences over time. Also included is a survey of the biological children of women in the NLSY79. The 1979 survey began with over 12,000 participants, while the 1997 survey begain with approximately 9,000. | Unrestricted |
Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) |
Beginning in 1968 the PSID is the longest running longitudinal household survey in the world. The study is directed by the University of Michigan and is based on a representative sample of American individuals collecting data covering employment, income, wealth, expenditures, health, marriage, childbearing, education and many other topics. It is designed to fulfill the need for a better understanding of the determinants of family income over time. It can be used for cross-sectional, longitudinal, and intergenerational analysis and for studying individuals and families. |
Unrestricted |
Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP 1984 - present) |
This is a longitudinal U.S Government survey of the financial status of American households with data available from 1984 onwards. It covers government transfer and service programs, pensions, housing affordability, home ownership, housing costs (primarily mortgages) financial assistance for education and a variety of other topics. It is considered to be the most comprehensive survey for measuring household wealth by race and ethnicity. Data from SIPP may also be accessed via the ICPSR The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) makes the SIPP data and documentation available along with Stata programs with which to read and analyze it. |
Unrestricted |