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Marshall Library


Brief introduction

The pages here provide a brief introduction to a variety of databases of particular relevance to students of both Economics and Development Studies. If you would like to suggest a resource that you think we should have a link to, please use our Online resource link suggestion form.

Bibliographic databases

Provides links to various bibliographic databases which allow you to perform literature searches throughout a wide range of academic publications including books, journals, dissertations and working papers.

Company databases

The Library provides two databases - Bloomberg & Datastream - which contain large amounts of financial and company information. They are only accessible in the Marshall Library itself. Students are also able to access company information via Capital IQ (S&P).

Dissertation databases

Provides links to various fully searchable databases containing PhD theses. Increasingly, many of these databases - such as LSE Theses Online and the Oxford University Research Archive - are providing free full text access to theses.

Ebooks databases

Provides links to various ebook databases - such as Oxford Scholarship Online - and key stand alone ebook publications such as World Development Report Online and the New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.

News databases

Although Bloomberg provides access to business newswires, Factiva provides access to the majority of the world's top newspapers such as the Financial Times and Wall Street Journal.

Working paper databases

Provides links to the working paper output of the world's leading economics research institutions.

Statistical databases

Provides links to a large number of databases containing international financial, economic and social data. Additional statistical data sources may be found in the statistics section of this site.